Page 54 of Filthy Bratva

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I know he’s capable of being my voice of reason, but he also gets on my goddamn nerves sometimes.

I hop on my Harley and leave the brunch club in a hurry, not wanting to waste precious time when Oakley is waiting for me. I check my phone again out of pure paranoia, but nobody has called.

Everything is quiet, as it should be.

I stop at the only gas station on the way to Smoke, Steel, & Whiskey that isn’t owned by the Triple Six Angels. Part of me is tempted to roll up to one of theirs and gun everyone inside down, but I resist the chaotic urge.

I’m not sloppy like they are. I have class.

As I’m filling up my bike, inserting the nozzle into the tank, it reminds me of pumping Oakley full of my cum out back behind the bar. I’ve never kissed a woman with cum on her face until then, and I’m still not sure what possessed me to do it. I’m a fool for that woman.

But thankfully, Pasha wasn’t there to see it and make some stupid comment about it. I swear that if he crosses a line one more time, I’m cutting him loose. I don’t care how valuable he is. He needs to learn his place.

The hose clicks as my tank refuses to take any more fuel, and I pull it out, holstering it and closing the tank. I consider going into the shop to grab another pack of cigarettes to curb my anger, but I can’t stop thinking about what Oakley would say.

Disgusting habit. Pointless.

Fuck, but she’s right. I shouldn’t be destroying my body when it’s the only thing that can protect her. She needs me, and if I’m coughing up my lungs every night, how am I going to be the strong leader she expects me to be?

I climb onto my bike and am just about to start it when I witness a group of Harleys race by on the open road. They’re traveling much faster than anyone out here needs to be and moving in the same direction of the same place I’m heading.

Smoke, Steel, & Whiskey.

My logic tells me there’s no way the Triple Six Angles are going to kick down Oakley’s doors in the middle of the day when it’s unlikely I’ll be there with her, but my gut tells me not to take the risk.

I pull out of the gas station, spinning my tires and leaving thick black marks on the pavement as I launch out onto the main road. Every second I waste is another chance for Stone and his goons to take Oakley from me.

I’m already traveling at over a hundred miles per hour, but I increase my speed until the road is flying past beneath me so fast that the smallest mistake would send me sliding across the asphalt so far that by the time I stopped, my body would be grinded halfway through to my bones.

It’s dangerous, but I fear for Oakley. She’s the only person that could make me act this way, the only woman who can make me take risks like this to make sure she’s safe. I’m certain I would give my life for her at this point, and it terrifies me.

I slow down just a bit to keep myself from becoming unstable. I can’t see anyone ahead of me. It’s possible that the biker group has turned off the road and gone somewhere else, but there aren’t many places to go around here.

“Fuck,” I yell into the wind, speeding up again. I’d rather feel like a fool than get there too late and find out that something horrible has happened to Oakley.

I’d never forgive myself.



I’m in the office, picking through one of Angus’s old books when I hear the hum of an engine outside.

Savva is back.

I skip out of the office, smiling at the prospect of seeing him again. I thought it would take him longer to get here, but I’m glad that he’s early. That means I can spend more time with him before I get distracted by work.

The hum of the engine shuts off, but then there’s another.

And another.

I stop skipping and slow down, listening to the engines cut off one by one. There’s silence after, and I stop in the doorway of the bar, looking toward the front door.

Then, there’s a heavy knock, like someone’s trying to break the glass instead of getting my attention.


I turn around, running back to the office in a panic. I don’t have any way of knowing who that is, and I can’t call Savva because I broke my goddamn phone.
