Page 101 of Fierce: Sawyer

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Got An Agenda

“Why are you smiling?”

Faith turned to look at Jennifer. “What?”

“You just looked at your phone and smiled,” Jennifer said. Jennifer had come to stand in the doorway of her office.

“Oh,” she said. “I didn’t realize that.”

“Were you talking to your boyfriend?”

“I was,” she said. There were a few at work that knew about Sawyer. She had mentioned she wasn’t alone on New Year’s Eve. She kept to herself a lot, but she was asked all the time how things were going.

“And he put a smile on your face,” Jennifer said. “When do we get to meet him?”

Never, she wanted to say. “I don’t know,” she said. “Why?”

“I want to check him out,” Jennifer said. “You said he’s a detective, right?”

“He is,” she said. “No reason you need to check him out.”

“It’s not the type of guy I see you with.”

She wasn’t sure why that was. “Well, it’s the type of guy I’m with. Did you think I’d be with some bookworm that sat behind a desk all day and pushed his glasses up on his nose higher with his middle finger?”

Jennifer laughed. “No. I mean if that was the case you’d be dating Lonnie.”

“He’s a nice guy and all but not my type.”

“He talks about you all the time,” Jennifer said. “He’s got such a crush on you. I don’t think he knows you’re dating Sawyer.”

That wasn’t her problem and no reason to announce it. “It hasn’t come up. I don’t talk to him about much more than work. I don’t to you about much more than work either.”

Jennifer frowned. “I know. It’s like pulling teeth to get you to say anything.”

And this was why she’d rather work with men. They didn’t care as much as women about their personal lives.

“Speaking of which, is there something you need?”

“They just said that the last of the machines are all calibrated and up and running now,” Jennifer said.

There’d been a software update that shouldn’t have happened midday, but it halted work on half of the things she was working on.

In the past she’d stay until her work was done, but she wasn’t going to tonight.

She knew Sawyer would understand, but she also knew he needed her and would never ask.

The fact that she actually felt as if she was falling in love with him made her put her work aside and focus on her boyfriend.

She’d do what needed to be done today and then pass it off to the next person that came in tonight if it couldn’t wait until morning.

She went out into the lab after Jennifer left. “Hi, Faith,” Lonnie said to her. He must have rushed right out once he knew everything was up and running.

“Hey, Lonnie.”

“I haven’t seen you today,” Lonnie said. “Must be you’ve been busy in your office.”

“I’ve been catching up on reports,” she said. “There is always something to do.”
