Page 66 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“You don’t know my aunt and uncle as I do.”

* * *

“What do you think of it?”Logan asked Gavin on Monday night. “Will Faith come meet us?”

Gavin looked at his neighbors that had come over for a visit. He started to laugh. Jolene was cracking up even more. “Not in a million years,” he said. “I can’t just call her up to do it.”

He wasn’t sure how they were going to work this out, but it seemed his neighbors were making more headway than he was.

“We can do this,” Jolene said. “You know it. Remember, you said you’ve got this covered, so you should come up with something.”

Him and his big mouth.

“I need time,” he said. “You know how Faith is. Even if she wasn’t stubborn there is no way she is going to agree. None of the kids would agree to that.”

His wife was only grinning at him. She was enjoying this. “Nope. They wouldn’t.”

“Did I mess up?” Logan asked. “I couldn’t believe Sawyer was even open to it and couldn’t back down.”

“Of course you couldn’t,” Jolene said. “So, Gavin. What’s your next move?”

“I don’t know. But it’s going to work and you know it.”

“If you say so,” Jolene said.

“I don’t care what it is,” Marci said. “I just want my grandson to find someone to be there for him. He’s got a lot going on in his life between his job and his other grandparents. Having someone to take his mind off of it now and again will be the icing on the cake.”

“That’s right,” Gavin said. “We’ll get this figured out, somehow.”

Guess he had some strategizing to do.


Had A Comeback

“Iwin,” Faith said to Sawyer when she got into his apartment two days later.

“What did you win?” he asked. He leaned down and kissed her and went to step back, but she pulled him down for a longer kiss.

It’s not like Fred was here to fight for the attention though her dog was getting much better.

“My aunt didn’t even make it twenty-four hours before she reached out to me. I should have bet that.”

“Really?” he asked. “What happened?”

“Yesterday afternoon she texted me to say that she hadn’t seen me in a while and missed me. That maybe it’d be nice if I brought Fred over so that she could finally meet him.”

He started to laugh. “That’s a new one, right?”

“Totally new,” she said. “I’ve had Fred for over three years. She’d never been mean about it, but she’s never wanted to meet him either. Now she is trying to play at a weak spot with me.”

Faith found it hilarious and saw right through it. She was quick to say she was busy this weekend. Of course by saying that, her aunt wanted to know what she was busy doing so she had to just exaggerate the chores she was doing in the house.

Meal prep would be all day on Sunday, as she wanted to try new recipes. So to not have it be a lie, she’d actually have to do that. Maybe she’d check with her brother later and get an idea of something.

Her aunt didn’t fall for that, but she didn’t care. Or more like had a comeback for everything, telling her to buy some meals at Fierce and put them in her separate containers.

Faith wanted to laugh over that statement, which told her that her mother must have mentioned to her aunt she did that.
