Page 94 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“The restaurant,” he said.

The hostess looked down at the computer in front of her. “It’s going to be about twenty minutes or so. Would you like a drink at the bar? I can place the order and have it brought here for you. Or I can find out if there are seats at the bar.”

“If there are no seats at the bar, we’ll wait here,” Faith said.

The hostess moved to the side and looked, Brody glanced up as he was probably used to the move to say what was available. Faith lifted her hand to him, and he grinned and waved her back.

“This will buzz when your table is ready,” the hostess said. She knew there were people ahead of her but not everyone wanted to wait at the bar.

They moved to the back and found the two seats, taking their place. “I wasn’t sure this was true,” Brody said when they sat. “I thought my mother was yanking my chain.”

“Should I be insulted?” she asked.

“I think it’s more the fact that I’m with you,” Sawyer said. “Not you with me.”

“Again, insult or not?”

“Sawyer said he’d never date a smart chick. Not someone that thought they knew it all,” Brody said. “What can I get you guys to drink?”

“I’ll have Mason’s stout on tap,” Sawyer said.

“Me too,” Faith said. “And I don’t think I know it all.”

“I never said you did,” Sawyer said. “But your cousin might think differently of you. And again, those were words out of my mouth at eighteen, not now.”

“If you say so,” she said. “But I won’t hold it against you.”

“You know what is going to happen now, don’t you?” Brody asked her.

“Yep. Your mother is going to be even more annoying. She is going to say what a great job she did and then bug me nonstop for updates. I figured since she just found out we were dating, it was safe to come in tonight.”

“It’s never safe and you know it. Your brother and Margo are working.”

“I know,” she said. “If he has time he can come out, but if not, not a big deal. My parents will meet Sawyer in a few weeks.”

Sawyer was going out of town on Tuesday. His grandfather was having open heart surgery and he’d be back that night, but then go back over the weekend and get the house ready for anything needed and help his grandmother with things too. Then once his grandfather was released, he’d return for a few days.

Faith hadn’t asked too many questions, but he hadn’t seemed as if he wanted to talk about it much. For now it wasn’t worth upsetting the apple cart. He’d talk when he was ready.

She knew what it was like to be pushed in life and she’d never do that to someone else.

Brody placed their drinks in front of them. “The good thing is you don’t see my mother often and can avoid this place more than the rest of us. You’ll get a dose of it tonight.”

“Your mother is here?” she asked.

“Not that I’m aware,” he said. “But that means nothing.”

“Are you going to tell her?” Sawyer asked.

“God no. We like watching her spin her wheels more than aiding her. If she shows up, it’s only because she got a hunch to look at the cameras and saw something. And you know as well as I do she’d have to be looking at the right time.”

“I don’t put anything past your mother,” Faith said.

When the disk went off on the bar, they made their way back to the restaurant and the hostess showed them their table. It was off to the side but still surrounded by others.

The place was packed like it always was.

“Hi, I’m Tracy and I’ll be your server tonight. I see you’ve got drinks, but would you like another before I start with our specials?”
