Page 97 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“Not much,” Brody said. “They understand I’m busy.”

She frowned. “Wiseass. Fine. My dessert is probably done. I’ll leave you and your brother alone.”

“Don’t bug Liam,” Brody said. “You’re going to get the same song and dance you did from Aiden and me and your crepes will be cold.”

“How do you know I got crepes?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

“How did I know you’d find a way to show up when Faith and Sawyer were here?”

“You think you’re so smart,” she said and left. She picked up her dessert and drove home.

“Did you find anything out?” Gavin asked.

“No. They were gone before I got there. But I did get dessert. Maybe you should have gone with me. I bet the boys would have talked to you.”

“First off, I know they are busy and I’m not bothering them. Second of all, I figured there wasn’t much to say because everyone is busy and they would respect Faith and Sawyer to have a night out.”

“Just like I told Brody. You think you’re so smart. You just don’t want to be the bad guy in front of Faith. You’ve always had a soft spot for her.”

“I’m not the bad guy and never will be,” he said. “But I have to let her know I’m still on her side. You never know when she might need a shoulder and I’ve got to be there to block you from her.”

Jolene started to laugh. “For that, I’m eating your crepe too.”

“I didn’t expect any differently,” he said.


News To Him

Sawyer held back the yawn as he got out of his SUV at the hospital parking lot.

The travel mug that Faith gave him held his large coffee hot for the over two-hour drive and now his bladder was screaming, but he needed more to wake his ass up.

His grandfather’s surgery was scheduled for nine, they had to be here by seven, and he said he’d be here by eight.

He parked and made his way to the front door, saw the sign for the bathroom and went there first. Noting where the food court was, he would get another coffee soon, maybe some food for him and his grandmother too.

When he got to the floor his grandmother told him, he wasn’t surprised it was just her there watching the door. Waiting for him. Shit, he should have gotten up earlier than four thirty so he could have been here with her.

“Hey, Grandma, how are you doing? How is Grandpa?”

“He’s fine. I’m fine. Just nervous. Both of us are. I just came out of his room knowing you’d be here soon. You can go see him. They said you could. He’s all set up on IV’s and just waiting for the doctor to come in and talk to him.”

He looked at his watch. “He has about forty-five minutes to go.”

“If they are on time. There was another procedure before him, but just a quick one I guess.”

“Can we go in together?” he asked.

“One at a time. Plus, I think he’d rather have some man talk with you. You know how it is.”

“I do,” he said.

He moved to the front desk, gave his name and said who he was there to see. The receptionist called back and a nurse came out to get him and bring him to his grandfather.

“Sawyer,” his grandfather said. “You didn’t need to come here today.”

“Of course I did,” he said. “How are you doing? Hanging in there?”
