Page 22 of Find Me Tracker

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“Get out of the way, pup,” Rachel, the bitch, shrieks and interrupts my man. “This Princess needs to be taught a lesson!”

I reach around Chase, trying to claw her eyes out, and her skin bristles as she begins to shift. I don't care, my mind is a blur of rage. I’m ready to kill her.

“Ruby, there’s no need for this! Rachel is—”

“Rachel is about to be dog food!” I snap.

She lunges, pushing Chase out of the way and against the table with a loud thump as she jumps at me.

The rage I thought I felt before turns into a blinding hatred. She hurt my mate! My mate! I start to shift too as Rachel comes for me, but a loud crash from behind us has us both whirling and in shock.

I stare, dumbfounded and instantly terrified as Jax steps on a broken table and storms toward me. His eyes are murderous. He’s looking between me and Chase as if he will kill us both.

I’m so damn stupid. Of course he would storm away from the mansion and go out for a drink. What was I thinking? Terror rips through me as Jax reaches me. He grabs me roughly and throws me over his shoulder, hand on my bare, exposed ass, and turns to walk out of the bar. Through my screaming and thrashing I hear a menacing growl, so low and dangerous my skin prickles with goosebumps and excitement.

My man is going to kill this bastard.



“Get your fucking hands off her, Beta!” I shout, raging towards the Silver Dawn bastard, ready to kill him. I imagine ripping his throat out with my human teeth, chopping off that hand that is gripping her bare ass.

I know Bob’s is a safe zone, a place we can all gather for peace talks or just grab a beer, but I’m about to break every rule this place has. Jax keeps walking and the hair on the back of my neck stands. I’ll shift right here and fight him, I don't care. Ruby is reaching for me, calling to me, and I will not let her get dragged away. I will not let this barbarian take her out of the bar like some conquest he plans on ravishing!

I grab Jax’s shirt, ripping him around to face me, tearing the fabric. Face to face with the taller man, I feel no fear. I glance at Ruby. Jax’s hand is on her bare ass, his middle finger dangerously close to her core. I square my shoulders and crack my neck, he’s gonna die for that. She’s mine! Holding his shirt, I pull my other fist back to strike him and a blur of black makes me stumble backwards. Instinctively I reach up, grabbing a mass of midnight as tiny claws dig into my chest.

“Scraps?” I mumble, her body muffling my words.

The damn cat rubs on my face and purrs, climbing up to my shoulder and twisting her body around the back of my head. I try to put her down but she digs her nails in so hard I feel them curl under my skin. Yelping, I don’t hear it when the back door flies open and bangs on the wall.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

Shit fuck. Ryder. I turn to face him as he storms in with Cookie on his heels. She looks flushed, like she’s been running. Little traitor went to get him! Rachel flips her hair and folds her arms over her chest. She raises an eyebrow at her brother and points at Ruby.

“That psycho came in here like a feral dog and attacked me!” she hisses.

Ryder looks at Jax and immediately lowers his eyes when he’s see’s Ruby’s exposed rear end.

“Jax, what’s going on here?” Ryder asks, and Jax sneers.

I’ll knock his fucking teeth out for disrespecting my Alpha.

“The Princess here,” he slaps her ass and I lunge, but Ryder is there to pull me back and glare down at me. “Is under the weather, must not be thinking straight. Probably thought your sister was touching me, I am her intended after all.” He grins at me and my heart sinks.

That can't be true, she can't be promised to anyone, she’s mine!

“Get your fucking hands off me, you overgrown rat!” Ruby screams and thrashes.

“Looks like the only thing she intends is to claw her way through your back!” I growl, and Ryder’s hand digs into my injured shoulder.

Rachel walks around me and takes the stupid cat off me.

“What a good kitty, such a pretty, sweet kitty! Yes, you are!” She walks around Jax and flips Ruby off, making her scream again and thrash all the harder. “Psycho!” Rachel whispers under her breath.

“Inbred whore!” Ruby screams at her and even I wince at that one.

Cookie has to hold Rachel back as she tries to lunge again, and Ryder sighs and shakes his head.
