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I force a small laugh, trying to mask the turmoil bubbling beneath the surface.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just a little tired, that's all," I reply, hoping she will drop the subject.

But Tiffany knows me too well, and I can almost hear the gears turning in her mind.

"Okay, but if you ever need to talk, you know I'm here for you, right?" Tiffany says, her gentle voice filled with concern.

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I bite my lip to keep them at bay. Tiffany's kindness only makes me feel guiltier, and I wonder how much longer I can keep up this façade.

"I know, Tiff. And thank you," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

There's a long pause between us, and I can almost feel Tiffany's hesitation to say what's on her mind. Finally, she speaks. "Chloe, there's something I need to tell you."

My heart clenches in my chest, and I stiffen, bracing myself for the worst. "What is it, Tiffany?" I ask, my voice trembling.

Tiffany takes a deep breath, and I hear her exhale slowly. "It's about Stephen."

My stomach drops, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Tiffany knows. She knows everything.

"I already know, Chloe..." she say quietly, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't know how to say it. Since you kept shutting me out..."

There's a long moment of silence on the other end of the line before Tiffany speaks again.

"He told me a few days ago" Tiffany confesses "I just didn't want to hurt you, and I was hoping you would tell me yourself."

I let out a shaky breath, tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry, Tiffany. I should have told you. I just didn't know how," I choke out. Tiffany's voice softens, and she reassures me. "It's okay, Chloe. I forgive you. I just want you to be happy."

The weight of guilt that had been crushing me starts to lift, and I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Tiffany's support means the world to me, and I know that I can trust her with my deepest secrets.

"Thank you, Tiffany. I don't know what I'd do without you," I say, my voice filled with gratitude. Tiffany chuckles lightly. "Well, you better not try to find out!"

"Chloe, I want you to know that I'm not mad at you. I know you care about Stephen, and I know you're driving him wild too. And if you're happy, then that's all that matters to me."

Tears of relief and gratitude stream down my face, and I try to compose myself. "Thank you, Tiffany. You don't know how much that means to me."

There's a sense of peace that washes over me as Tiffany and I talk, and I know that no matter what happens with Stephen, I have the unconditional love and support of my best friend.

I swallow the lump forming in my throat, grateful for Tiffany's unwavering support. "I Love you girl. Thank you. We'll chat again soon, I promise."

I reluctantly disconnected the call, a tangible weight settling in my chest. The events of the day played out over and over in my mind, confronting me with the reality of my decisions and the paths I had chosen.

The walls of my home seemed to close in around me, at once imprisoning and consoling me, as I contemplated my fragile connection with Stephen.

Chapter sixteen


Ifindmyselfina whirlwind of emotions, caught between the tangled threads of desire and guilt. The confrontation with Jonathan still lingers in my mind, echoing with each step I take through the office corridors. As I settle into my seat, the weight of the impending storm bears down upon me.

Minutes later, Jonathan strides into my office, his face contorted with anger and disapproval. His words are sharp, piercing through the air with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. I brace myself for the verbal onslaught, knowing that his words will cut deep.

"Stephen, what the hell were you thinking?" Jonathan's voice booms through the office, echoing off the walls. "Sleeping with her? Do you have any idea what you've done?"

I swallow hard, feeling the weight of his words pressing down upon me. "Jonathan, I understand your concerns, but please try to see things from my perspective," I reply, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

He scoffs, his eyes blazing with fury. "Perspective? There's no perspective that justifies your actions. You've crossed a line, a line that should never have been crossed."

I meet his gaze, my own eyes filled with a mix of regret and defiance. "I can't deny the connection I feel for her. There's something deeper between us. And as myfriendI’d hope you’d feel fucking happy for me. "
