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And he… he is mine.

The realization hits me like a tidal wave, sweeping away my doubts and fears, leaving behind only love and a sense of belonging.

“I’m so happy for you, Zoe,” I say, my voice choked with emotion. “For both of you.”

Zoe smiles at me, her eyes brimming with happiness. “And we’re happy for you, Rey. I hope nothing but the best for you both, no matter what path the two of you take.”

As I look around the table, at my fated mate, at my friends, I realize that for the first time in a long time, I’m genuinely happy too.



I lead Rey on my private walkway, through the lush tropical foliage, the vibrant colors of the flowers and the sweet scent of the fruit trees filling the air.

We reach the small cove, and I feel a surge of pride as I watch her eyes widen in awe. The thin beach stands as a barrier between the cove and the vast ocean, connected only by a gentle stream flowing between them.

“This is… incredible,” Rey breathes out, her voice filled with wonder. She gazes at the picturesque scene before her, taking in the beach, the sunbathing rock, and the exotic flowers and foliage that line the border, providing privacy.

The beachfront villa, made of carved rock, stone, and wood, stands tall with a grand entryway, inviting and impressive.

I smile at her reaction, feeling a warm satisfaction bubbling within me. “Yes, Rey,” I reply, my voice filled with certainty. “This is where I live. I’ve called this place my home since the resort was first built.”

I close the distance between us. “If you decide to stay with me,” I say, my voice gentle yet filled with hope, “all of this is yours too, Rey.”

Her gaze softens, and she looks around once again, as if imagining herself as a part of this paradise. “Zethe,” she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. “This is beyond anything I could have imagined. And to think… this is where you live. I’d thought you would be living in an underwater pod, not on the shore.”

“All merfolk and the vast majority of kraken live underwater,” I explain. “But the other aquatic monsters tend to live along the beaches, so they can be a part of both worlds.”

I reach out, gently cupping her cheek in my hand, the rough texture of my skin contrasting with the softness of hers. “Rey, I want nothing more than to share this place with you,” I say earnestly, my voice filled with sincerity. “But more importantly, I want to share my life with you. I’ve waited for someone like you for a long time… and I can’t fathom you leaving in four days.”

Rey’s words echo in my mind, her worries about the bond between us clouding her judgment and the uncertainties that linger in her heart. I understand her fears, the nagging doubts that can plague any relationship. But I won’t let those doubts consume us. I won’t allow our connection to be tarnished by what-ifs.

Taking a deep breath, I reach out to grasp her hand, intertwining our fingers. “Rey,” I begin, my voice steady and reassuring, “the bond between us is not something to fear. It’s a gift, a sign that we are meant to be together. We won’t grow tired of each other, and we won’t start resenting one another.”

She looks at me, her eyes searching mine, seeking validation and reassurance. I hold her gaze, my determination shining through. “The Moon Goddess herself chose us, Rey,” I continue, my voice filled with conviction. “She doesn’t make mistakes. We are fated to be together, and I believe in that with all my heart.”

Rey’s expression softens, her doubts slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope. “But Zethe,” she says, her voice laced with caution, “we need to talk about the important things before we go any deeper. We can’t ignore the realities of life.”

I nod, understanding the need for open communication. “You’re right, Rey,” I reply, squeezing her hand gently. “Let’s do that. Why don’t I grab some electrolyte drinks, and we can sit by the shore table? We’ll soak in the water, enjoying the serenity, while we go over everything on my vidtablet.”

A smile plays on her lips, and she nods in agreement. “That sounds like a good idea, Zethe.”

I gather the drinks and the vidtablet, a sense of anticipation mingling with the gentle breeze. When I return, Rey is already seated in the soft sand, her hands dipping into the water, lost in contemplation. I settle down beside her, placing the items on the table.

As the waves lap against the shore, creating a soothing soundtrack, we sit side by side, our bodies partially submerged in the warm embrace of the water. I power up the vidtablet, its screen illuminating the night with its soft glow.

We start discussing the important aspects of our lives, our hopes, our fears, and our dreams, sharing our vulnerabilities without reservation.

I look at Rey, our eyes locked in a moment of contemplation. The question lingers in the air, unspoken yet heavy with implications. “Rey,” I begin, my voice filled with a mix of concern and curiosity, “if we decide to move forward, what do you think we should do about work?”

She takes a deep breath, her gaze thoughtful. “Well,” she replies, her voice laced with a touch of excitement, “my job is remote. I can work from anywhere as long as I have a stable internet connection. But I would really like to have my own office, a personal space where I can separate work from my personal life.”

A spark of inspiration ignites within me, and I point toward a small clearing beside my house. “Rey,” I say, my voice brimming with enthusiasm, “I hadn’t made any plans for that area, but if you want, we can build a small, separate office there. We can have a walkway connecting it to the house. I’ll make sure you have all the amenities you need, including a small kitchenette and a toilet, so you won’t have to go back and forth between buildings when you’re working.”

Her eyes widen in surprise, and she gazes at me, gratitude shining in her eyes. “Zethe, that sounds amazing,” she says, her voice filled with wonder, “but I’m worried. It feels like too much.”

I shake my head, a soft smile playing on my lips. “Rey,” I assure her, my voice gentle yet firm, “the land is already paid off, and it belongs to me. The power can be supplied by the resort’s solar panels, and the water and sewer services come from the resort as well. If we are together as mates, it only feels right to spend our combined resources to build something that will make your life easier.”
