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The words hang in the air between us, leaving me stunned.

“Fated mate?” I echo, my heart skipping a beat at the term. The shock must be evident in my voice because he looks up, his gaze meeting mine once more. “Is that why… is that why I feel so… safe?” My voice is barely a whisper, but I can see that he hears me, his gaze never wavering.

“Yes,” he confirms, his voice a whisper in the dimly lit room. “That’s why you feel so… safe with me. We are bound by the Moon Goddess herself.”

I know what fated mates are, it’s not an unfamiliar concept. It’s essentially what humans call soulmates, the inexplicable tether that snaps into place the moment two beings lock eyes on each other.

The way that speed dating still thrives despite the rise of dating apps, because the digital world just can’t replicate that instant spark, that magnetic pull, that feeling of belonging you get when you meet the right person in person.

And, somehow, even though I know next to nothing about Zethe, my soul recognizes him. It recognizes his touch, his voice, his scent… his very essence.

It knows he’s safe, it knows he’s home.

“How did you know?” I ask, breathless, my eyes wide as I search his. His body tenses beside mine, a clear sign that he’s taking my question seriously.

“How could I not?” he counters, his gaze soft yet intense. “Can’t you feel it? The electricity between us, the pulse that binds us together?”

His words resonate within me, reminding me of the shockwave of pleasure I felt earlier when I touched him. But I’m not ready to admit that just yet. I came here for a vacation, to relax and unwind.

Not to find love…

“But I… I didn’t come here for this,” I protest weakly. “I came here for a vacation, to escape the stress of my life.”

His gaze never wavers, his expression serious but patient. “Won’t you give me a chance, Rey? Give us a chance?”

His plea leaves me breathless. Despite everything, I find myself considering his words. After all, they say love finds you when you least expect it. And in a magical resort, surrounded by fantastical creatures, I can’t deny that anything could happen.

As if understanding my inner turmoil, Zethe sits up, his muscular body casting a long shadow over the bed. He reaches out with strong, sure hands and captures my own, gently cradling them.

His eyes hold a depth of emotion that takes my breath away—regret, longing, hope.

“I’m sorry, Rey,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m sorry I failed you. As a lifeguard… and as your fated mate. I’ve waited all my life for you and now that you’re here… I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”

His heartfelt confession twists something in my chest. I see the guilt etched in his features, the way his hold tightens around my hands as though he’s afraid I’ll disappear.

He swallows visibly, his gaze intense. “I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. And now, having met you, having saved you… I don’t want to lose you. Not when I was on the verge of losing you.”

His confession sends a pang of empathy through me. It’s clear the guilt he’s carrying is overwhelming. I grip his hands tighter, my heart aching to comfort him.

“Zethe, you don’t need to feel guilty,” I find myself saying. “Yes, you’re the lifeguard, but I’m just as much to blame. I lost track of time; I let my stress carry me away. I should have stayed closer to the shore, maybe even just walked along it.”

His gaze is searching, hanging on to every word. I press on, determined to make him see reason. “If we’re going to move forward, we need to leave the past behind. We both messed up. But I don’t want this… this guilt between us. I don’t want to be reminded of what happened. I want to fill the rest of my time here with positive experiences.”

His dark eyes hold mine, looking for confirmation, hope flickering within them. “Does that mean… you’re willing to give us a chance, Rey?”

A small smile forms on my lips as I meet his hopeful gaze. “I leave in six days, Zethe. You have that long to show me what it would be like to be with you.”



Relief cascades through me as Rey agrees to give us a chance. The relief is quickly followed by determination. I have to prove to her that I can be the mate she deserves. That despite being a kraken, I can love and protect her just as well as any other being.

Her acceptance of me, our instant connection, it feels like a ray of hope piercing through the storm. Yet I’m aware of the challenges ahead. She’s a human and I’m a kraken, but the connection between us… It’s powerful, undeniable. Still, I understand she might need time to wrap her mind around the reality of us.

I brush back a strand of hair from her face, my heart beating wildly as her hazel eyes meet mine. A smile finds its way to my lips. “Thank you, Rey,” I murmur, my heart beating faster in my chest. “Thank you for giving me a chance. I’ve arranged to be your guide while you’re here. I want to give you the best experience possible… and make sure nothing else goes wrong.”

Her eyes flicker down to her purple bikini and then back up to my bare chest. A blush creeps onto her cheeks, and her embarrassment is endearing. “So,” she starts, leaning her head into the palm of my hand, “what’s first on our agenda?”
