Page 7 of Incitement

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“It’s probably the alcohol talking but I think I’ll really miss you.” Wade pulled me close and looked into my eyes slightly panicked. “Amber, you're absolutely wasted tonight so I don’t know how much alcohol is talking, and we will discuss that issue later. For now, you aren’t going anywhere. Ill protect you. I don’t want you being silly and running off. It goes against everything I know about you, so I hope this is just my silly drunk girl talking. You can trust me.” "I’m sorry Wade, realistically I barely know you. You pop up everywhere now. I’ve had a panic attack, and I’m still feeling really tipsy. I don’t trust easily, especially men like you. Men with your kind of wealth are dangerous. You can use your money to get anything you want." Wade rested his forehead on mine, "You are a puzzle I’ll enjoy piecing together beautiful Amber, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I met you." He crushed his body to mine, consuming me with his kiss, his hands roamed over my body stroking me while he wreaked havoc with my senses. He slowly moved his body back and kissed me on the cheek. ''Can I stay tonight?'' ''I think I’d like that''. Wade took my hand and lead me to my bedroom. ''Turn around ill unzip your dress''. I obliged feeling shaky and sure I wouldn’t be able to accomplish it myself in my drunken state. I managed to fumble for a singlet top and pyjama shorts and decided to wrestle them on in my bathroom. I let myself out a couple of moments later and came face to face with Wade's bare chest. He had taken off his shirt. ''Wow.'' ''Come on baby ill tuck you in.'' ''Aren’t you going to tuck us both in?'' ''I have some calls to make, and I’ll be back in a second.'' ''OK, don’t be long''.


I was fucking raging. I wanted to stay with her to protect her and make sure she was OK, but I was livid and was trying not to scare her. I needed to find out what the fuck was going on. She had a fucking panic attack! Whoever hurt her was going to be in a world of pain when I found out who they were. I dialled my security advisor. “Joel, I want everything you can get on Amber Porter. Specifically, past relationships. Its urgent and first priority’’ ‘’On its sir.’’ I hung up the call and dialled my brother. “Bro it's fucking late.” “I know its urgent.” “Are you ok?” “I’m fine, I need your hacking skills. I want you to work with my security team to find information on someone. You’re the best It’s really important to me, its personal.” “I'll be over in half-hour Bro. Are you sure you’re ok?’’ ‘’I’m not home. I’m staying with Amber tonight but if you call Cooper he can pick you up. You’re welcome to use my study.” “Alright then.” I ended the call anticipating climbing into bed with my girl. I had a bad feeling that Amber wasn’t joking about leaving. I snuck back into Amber's room; she was already out as I expected. She was wasted. Another point I was mad with.

Amber looked beautiful tonight in a tight strap dress that exposed her back. She wasn’t wearing a bra and I could just make out the tight little buds of her nipples. She had drunk shot after shot and danced for hours on the dance floor. At least eight guys had made moves on her. When I initially realised she was at the club I was amused. Intending to sit back and watch and let her enjoy her night with her friends. When I saw her in that dress, I struggled not to bring her back to my office and spank her. I had wanted to go out to the dance floor and make sure everyone knew she was mine and to stay the fuck away. The more she drank the more nervous I got, so when she wobbled off to the bathroom line, I sent my security guard to bring her to me. I would have gone myself, but I was annoyed and needed to get my shit together for a moment. Before I knew it, I was being radioed to say she had a panic attack. The memory alone was enough to make my heart beat through my chest. I undressed down to my boxers and climbed into bed with Amber, pulling her close in the hopes of dispelling the rage coursing through my veins. Amber snuggled into my body, in her sleep rolling over to throw her leg over my body and snuggle into my arms. My cock was pushed against the outside of her skimpy little g-string. Shit. Well, this wasn’t the most comfortable position to sleep but there wasn’t a chance in hell I could move her. I kissed Amber’s head, leaned my back and tried to get some rest.

I woke with Amber still snuggled on my chest. I leaned over to kiss her forehead lightly. I was truly content with this woman. I only needed to sort out whatever demons were in her past. Amber slowly blinked awake taking note of her position she jumped a little. ''Sshh baby'' ''Oh god Wade how did you get in my bed!'' ''You don’t remember? You called me about 2 am and asked for a booty call?'' At Amber's look of horror I couldn’t help myself I laughed uncontrollably. Amber punched me. ''You’re a butt!'' I sobered. ''You don’t remember?'' ''The last thing I remember was...'' Amber went silent. ''A man was watching you in my club. He scared you, so when my security came to ask you to come to my office you had a panic attack. I bought you home and had my security make sure everything was safe and you weren’t followed.'' ''Oh god.'' ''Amber'' I stroked her perfect face. ''You can tell me anything.'' ''No, I can’t Wade'' ''You will, I'll make you.'' Amber looked worried for a moment before I dove under the blankets tickling her ribs, arms anywhere I could reach while she thrashed uncontrollably. ''You see, I’ll torture you'' Amber laughed.

Fuck she was perfect. ''Thanks for looking after me Wade.'' I pulled Amber fully into my arms, our bodies mashed together. ''Beautiful girl I wouldn't do anything else.'' I kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. I wanted her badly, but I wouldn’t make love to Amber until she was ready. Despite the fact she was grinding her body into mine so badly I was sure I would have a hard-on for a month. I pulled away. ''Can I take you to breakfast?'' Amber scowled at me. ''I was hoping you would be breakfast'' she whispered nervously. I laughed I couldn’t help it. ''You are so amazingly perfect.'' With that I dragged Amber out of bed and threw her over my shoulder, smacking her bum. Amber squealed ''Put me down you giant overbearing ass!'' I slid Amber down my chest. I knew my cock was tented in my boxers and Amber would undoubtedly feel it. I also felt her tight nipples push against me. ''I want you beautiful, so bad.'' I kissed her neck and Amber ravenously kissed me back, jumping up to wrap her legs around me and grind herself into my erection. ''Oh, fuck baby, you have to stop. I don’t have that kind of control.'' ''You don’t need control'' Amber whispered into my neck before she bit me. I swatted at her bum. ''Ok, you little harpy you climb down now, or you will get a cold shower.'' Amber giggled then groaned and slid back down my body.

''Why don’t you get dressed and we can go to breakfast.'' Amber scowled annoyed we weren’t going to be spending the morning in bed. ''Sure honey'' She smiled at me coyly. I sat on the bed and pulled out my phone while Amber went to shower. I looked over the screen to see that Amber was in the corner of the room with her back to me. She had already put on a floral top that hung from her shoulders. Once again, no fucking bra. She was tormenting me! As I watched Amber looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. She dropped her towel revealing the perfect globes of her ass. She bent and slowly pulled on a bright red lace g-string. Fuck. I looked at the little minx, she was punishing me. Amber slowly shimmied on a short skirt. ''I guess I’ll give you some privacy to get dressed.'' Amber smiled innocently at me as she left her bedroom. Oh god, I couldn’t wait to take her. To punish her right back. I opted for a cold shower before I got dressed.

I entered the lounge room to find Amber and Kait in an embrace in the kitchen. Amber's eyes were a little red. All traces of her cute teasing were gone. ''I said its fine Amber'' Kait whispered. ''You ready baby?'' I asked. Amber stepped back ''Sure.'' She put her head down and collected her bag. I looked quizzically at Kait, and she mouthed ''tell you later''. I liked Kait. She was firmly on my team. I took Amber's hand and led her downstairs to the basement. ''You took me for a ride, I thought you should let me take you for a ride.'' I gestured over to my bike parked right next to the shiny car she loved so much. ''Oh my god, yes!'' I buckled Amber into a helmet and pulled her snugly onto the bike behind me. ''Hell of a day to wear a short skirt and bright red g string sweetheart.'' Amber squeezed my biceps and squealed as the bike roared to life and I screamed out of the basement in much the same way she does in her car.


We had an amazing morning. Wade took me out to breakfast at a little café by the beach. We walked hand in hand along the beach and Wade told me about his family, his friends, where he went to school, and his business. I added a few things here and there, but I couldn’t reveal too much without getting into trouble and I didn’t want to lie and give him the cover story. At 11 am Wade admitted he had to leave; he had some things to do before work tomorrow. We climbed on his bike, and he took me back to my apartment. ''Baby I have to tell you something'' I froze. ''I just, it’s supposed to be a secret and come out tomorrow, but I want to be the one to tell you. To make sure it's ok with you.'' My stomach was doing flip-flops. ''Just spit it out, Wade.'' ''I have a little bit more to do with Doug than advising, there’s going to be a change of ownership of Doug’s business, I’ve purchased the business, Amber.'' No, no, no. This changed everything. ''I have to go.'' I let myself back into the apartment, leaving Wade baffled in the basement. A change of ownership would mean a complete change for me. I’m supposed to call Roger, head of my dad’s security but if I do it means I’ll be moved straight away. I’ll never see Kait again, or Wade. I felt sick to my stomach.

Amber, WTF, why did you run away?

You just dumped that on me. You threw me. I don’t know what to say...or do.

I can explain everything if you talk to me!

No, not right now. You have things to do. Go. It would’ve been good to know earlier on.

I wanted to, but it changes nothing!

It changes everything. You are the first guy I’ve given a chance. You know enough to know I don't trust easily, and you go ahead and keep secrets?

Secrets I was legally obliged to keep Amber. Call me. I’ll explain.

Not now. You didn’t mention you were my boss when you were kissing me! Or in my bed!

You will find out everything in the morning baby. Please call me. x

I sat waiting in Doug’s office feeling slightly off balance. My dad’s men had ordered me to stay put for now and continue as normal today. I hadn’t told them about Wade and me. I’d realised I couldn’t bear my dad’s disappointment, and I knew that I had to end that before it became a big problem. Dad's team were concerned about the person watching me in the nightclub. They had someone protecting me out of sight and had not had any hits or detections to suggest Tom had found me. I was to carry on as normal for a few days. They had initially planned to move me by the end of the week, but I had begged for them to do their checks and if everything was ok to leave me be. It all depended on their checks and what happened with work. They were doing background checks on Wade, which was super weird and creepy to me. To add to that stress, Doug had called me this morning demanding I be in his office by 9 am, disconnecting the call before I could respond. I was feeling jittery, I didn't like unpredictability. I started to feel the tightness in my chest, the inevitable shakes that took hold signalling a panic attack. Before the last few weeks, I had not had one in a while. I put my head between my legs and concentrated on my breathing.

I had come to love the life I currently led in Australia. The urban jungle that was Surfers Paradise was only minutes away from greenery and wildlife and solitude. I could go hiking in the forest to find secluded waterfalls or get lost in the flurry of activity in a shopping centre. It was beautiful, and I reminded myself every day that I was incredibly lucky to be here. I was going to miss it all terribly if they moved me. I was shaken from my thoughts by the slam of the door. ''Amber, you’re here, sit''. I scurried to the leather sofa to the side of Doug’s office as he sat opposite me, despite Wade's heads up I was extremely nervous. ''Amber you’re a star employee, you know that I appreciate all of your efforts, they don't go unnoticed''. I stared at him alarmed, my heart thudding in my chest. ''I'll cut the crap, Amber, you’re a sweetheart and you have saved my ass more than once.'' ''What's wrong Doug? Are you ok?'' He shook his head. ''I'm fine, it's, it's Margery, she’s been diagnosed with liver cancer.'' Doug Crumpled, he was visibly trying to hold it together and failing. ''Oh my god Doug, what can I do, I'm so sorry.'' Doug smiled weakly at me. ''It's just that luv, you can't do anything, I can't do anything, the doctors can't do anything, she's got six to twelve months.''

My head spun, beautiful crazy Margery. She baked cakes and sang loudly in the waiting room when she visited. She was a beautiful soul. I choked on a sob, ''I'm so sorry Doug.'' ''That's not all dear, Margery and I have decided to travel. She wants to spend her last days scratching crazy dreams off her bucket list. She wants to eat a biscuit with marijuana in it in Amsterdam for fucks sake!'' I giggled, that was Margery. ‘’I'm selling the business, Amber.'' Even though I knew, it still rocked me to hear it. Of course, I completely understood. Who would spend their days at work when the person they loved was dying? But I didn't know where that left me. I didn't need the money of course, but my position in this company was carefully selected by the men who worked with my father for my safety.

''I’ve sold the business to Wade, in actual fact it's a good thing dear, I'm not cut out for this. Wade is a ruthless businessman; a good man. I have respect for him else I wouldn't have made the deal. But he's bloody intense and young to have accomplished so much, only 35 or so.'' My stomach was doing flips. Resigned to it I asked the question. ''Am I losing my job, Doug?'' I'd had to ask outright. Doug winced ''I can't tell you, Amber, Wade’s promised me that all promising staff will be looked after, but he wants to interview each staff member before he makes up his mind. In saying that Wade thinks very highly of you, and has been very impressed with you these last few weeks.'' Yeah right, I was sure he was impressed with me. He had slept in my bed! My head was spinning, I stood and felt blackness closing around me as another panic attack took hold.

I blinked my eyes open to find I was laid out on the sofa in Doug’s office. People spoke in hushed tones in the corner. I tried to sit up and Doug raced to my side. ''Amber dear, take it easy, that was a bad one.'' He pushed a glass of water into my hands, and I smiled at him gratefully. I looked to the corner to find Margery speaking heatedly with Wade. Great, I'd completely lost my shit and my possible boyfriend/ possible new boss, had come in at the same time. A man I'd already allowed to kiss me, sleep in my bed, had practically seen me naked and whom I'd sworn at a multitude of times... I straightened myself and flicked a glance back to him. I was so mad he hadn’t told me the truth before we got involved. He knew he would be my boss all along! Wade spoke with agitation to Margery. I stood to leave, I'd likely made a fool of myself, no point in hanging around. ''Amber dear, no!'' I winced as I stood noticing my ankle swollen and bruised. I sucked in a breath as I stumbled feeling the shooting pain in my foot. A firm body plucked me up and deposited me on the edge of Doug's desk. ''You rolled your ankle and possibly more when you fell, stay put and don't do anything stupid'' Wade gritted out. I looked up to him prepared to give him a serve for that last comment, but my words stuck in my throat, the insults lost in brain fuzz. His hand on my ankle was doing funny things to my body, and I needed out. I focused on his lips trying to remember what I needed to say, as they curled into a sexy grin. I flicked my eyes back to his eyes and noted he was taking me in as much as I had taken him in. He licked his bottom lip and grinned at me.

''Are you ok dear?'' Margery shocked us both out of our trance and rounded on me. Wade stepped back, and Margery pulled me into a fierce hug. I couldn't hold back anymore and tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as I held her tight. ''Now sweet that's enough, I'm an old lady who's had a good life. I'll be damned if I leave this life without a bang. You suck it up and stop the tears. I'm not dead yet.'' I sniffled and tried to reign in my tears.

A doctor bumped through the door. ''Oh, good Dr, you’re here'' Doug said. After a thorough assessment, it was deemed that I had only rolled and bruised my ankle, just like Wade had said. I glared past the doctor at Wade. I would be fine but needed to stay off my ankle for 24 hrs. Margery, Doug, Wade and the Dr spoke in hushed tones in the corner before they turned to look at me. They all filed out the door…except Wade.

He sauntered toward me with that sexy grin and sat in the chair in front of me. I tried to wiggle into a more lady-like position, with my dress scrunched around my thighs and my legs resting on the table he would have an incredibly inappropriate view, but all I managed to succeed in was jolting my ankle and wincing as the pain shot through my foot. ''Are you ok, baby?'’ he asked in that gravelly sexy voice of his. Holy crap the man was hot, but his voice was something else, the way he said baby made me feel flustered. I gathered my wits before I started dribbling. ''I'm ok. I'm such an idiot.'' I resigned myself to the fact that I probably wouldn’t see Wade again after today. ''I'll see to it that my driver takes you home and you have everything you need until I can finish up here, and then I’ll come over.'' Wade stroked my cheek.

'‘That's not necessary. I can take myself home I'm fine, really.’’ Wade swung back to me. ‘’Don’t start that crap with me, Amber. Don’t try and distance yourself again.’’ ‘’You did that yourself when you lied to me.’’ ‘’I didn’t lie to you, Amber!’’ ‘’I’m going home.’’ ‘’You’re not going anywhere until I say so.’’ ‘’In case you didn’t notice, Boss, I have a doctor’s certificate. I’m going home.’’ ‘’You said you would give us a chance!’’ Wade shouted at me. ‘’I’m not going to date my boss!’’ I shouted right back. ‘’Then you're fired!’’ I sucked in a breath. ‘’Good then.’’ ‘’No, Amber, I, fuck!’’ Wade put his head in his hands and mumbled. ‘’You drive me fucking crazy.’’ ‘’It’s a good thing you fired me then.’’ ‘’I didn’t mean it and you know it. You're brilliant. I would never fire you regardless of what happens with us.’’ ‘’Then I resign.’’ ‘’No, you fucking don’t!’’ ‘’Yes, I fucking do!’’ We were shouting at each other again and I knew other staff would be able to hear every word. It was time for me to leave. I was done. There was no staying here in Australia while Wade was around.

He marched to the door, opened it and shouted to someone down the hall and then turned back to me. ''Don't fucking argue, Amber.'' And then he swept me up in one scoop and started marching for the door. I squealed ''Wade, put me down! I can walk!'' I started to squirm, and pain shot through my foot. ''Just hold still Amber, I'm putting you in the car, so you can go home and rest your foot, don't make a scene.'' I took in the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me. I was more than a little uncomfortable. His arms around me were burning into my skin, my body alive with wanting. I could smell his cologne and feel the hardness of his abs pushed into my side. I fought the urge to run my hands up his chest. I needed to get away from this man. I stayed still only to end this awkward situation as soon as possible and get away from him. I was bundled into a car and Wade reached over to settle my dress, heat in his eyes, he took a sharp intake of breath. He ran his hands over my ankle and looked into my eyes. ''Rest and be good'' he whispered. ''Goodbye Wade'' I whispered. Wade's eyes rounded. I could tell he was calculating whether this was goodbye orgoodbye.I pulled the door closed and we pulled out from the curb.

Chapter Seven
