Page 11 of Jude's Story

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“And you’re okay to suddenly become dad to four babies with a fifth on the way?” Jesse asks, smirking more at me and I know my words from the past are going to bite my ass more than ever now.

“Fifth and sixth,” I correct him, unable to keep the smugness out of my voice as I smile at that news. “The second I had Eden in my arms, I knew she was mine, wanted her pregnant with my baby, so I’m not about to argue getting two at the same time. As for her brothers and sister, well, they’re hers now, so they’re mine, and I’ll gladly take them being in my life since it means I get her as well. I ran to grab some clothes and stopped by the office to get my laptop while Eden napped. I’m going to work from home for a few days so Eden and the babies can get used to me being there with them, after that, we’ll figure out the new routine. I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for bringing Eden back to me.”

“You two were clearly meant to be together you know,” Maddie says as Jesse simply stares at me a bit suspiciously still. She gives his arm a little smack, pulling his attention off me and back to her, his brow lifting seeing the smile on her lips. “Oh, come on, if she wasn’t meant to be in his life, she never would have been at the doctor’s office because she was pregnant with your niece or nephew. Which means she never would have been there to help me. Which means you never would have gone over to thank her, let her know to call if she ever needed anything, to find her slimy landlord trying to evict her, and threatening her with false CPS reports. If you hadn’t done that, then Jude wouldn’t have found her back today. But he did, and you did, and she did, because they’re supposed to be part of our family. I mean, really, what other family would so easily welcome strangers into their midst but ours?”

“None,” he agrees, giving Maddie a kiss before turning back my way. “You going to man up now, I take it?”

I chuckle, pulling out the ring box making Maddie’s jaw drop slightly seeing it. “I bought this two days after I met Eden. The second I saw it I knew it was the one.”

“It’s gorgeous and I’m sure she’ll love it,” Maddie says, leaning her head against Jesse’s shoulder. “After the last week surrounded by most of the family, she’s not likely to bolt the way I nearly did at least.”

“True,” I muse as Jesse lets out a growl at the memory of Maddie’s hesitation with our family. “I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for helping my girl, giving her back to me when I was lost trying to find her. I figured you wouldn’t be by anytime soon with taking care of Maddie.”

“We’ll stop by later this week, I’m sure,” Maddie says, giving Jesse a stare when he acts like he’s about to protest. “I have an appointment on Friday for a follow-up and you’ll simply have to accept that I’ll be good to go after it, daddy.”

“We’ll see,” Jesse replies, before looking back my way with a smile. “I’m glad you pulled your head out of your ass and stopped the never getting married and having kids shit, man. You’ve no idea what you’re missing. We already knew Eden was special. Between making sure the babies stayed with her and helping Maddie, we already saw it, but knowing she now owns your balls…well, that’s all the thanks I need.”

“Asshole,” I mutter his way with glare that simply makes him laugh more. “I’m going,” I add, rolling my eyes at him before dropping a kiss onto Maddie’s cheek knowing it’ll piss him off. “I’ll see you later, sis.”

“You better pamper that girl hard,” Maddie teases making Jesse growl again, and her laugh as well. “She’s pregnant with twins, she deserves it.”

“I’ll be right back,” Jesse tells her, following me to the door after he gives me a shove that way. He steps out onto the porch with me and crosses his arms over his chest, giving me the same glare that I’d see on Dad’s face when we fucked up. “You know who the quadruplet’s father is?”

I run a hand through my hair, release a huge sigh as I nod, my expression letting him know he’s not going to like the answer. “Alan Black.”

“Fucking bastard,” he seethes.

“My sentiments exactly,” I agree. “I’ve got Doug working on something to bring the bastard down. Easiest way to do it is to get some of his DNA in a public way, I’m willing to play the part by kicking him out of the health club.”

“How can you kick him out of the health club?” my brother questions, and the corner of my mouth quirks up. “Youbought it? That’s why it changed to being adults only. You didn’t want to have little kids running around screaming and crying when they didn’t get their way.”

“Who can get a decent massage when there’s a shrieking little fucker simply making you more tense?” I counter and he shakes his head, laughing for a moment before getting serious again.

“You’re not worried that he’ll go after custody of the babies just to try to retaliate if you do manage to establish paternity?”

“Nah, Doug’s contacting the other women who are also after him, and all it’ll take is us establishing that he purposely gets these women pregnant and then just walks away to ensure he doesn’t get custody or visitation of any of them. He’ll have to pay them all off unless he wants to be responsible for monthly payments. If he gets ordered to pay something for the babies, I’ll either have it set up in trusts for them, or if Eden’s agreeable, divvying it out to the other women instead. I can handle supporting our babies.”

“You know, much as I love ours, I would not want to have six under two in any circumstance. All I can say is karma, man. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving brother,” Jesse says, making my eyes darken and I flip him off before getting into my car to get home to my family.

The first thing I see as I move inside with my bags is Eden’s sleepy face coming into the kitchen, and I drop everything, sliding up to her. My hand cups her face and I steal the lips I’ve been dreaming about for two months, getting lost in the kiss until giggles pull us apart.

“Hi,” Eden says breathlessly, a blush on her face that’s so fucking sweet.

I don’t know what I did to deserve this girl, but I’m not going to fuck it up. Not now, not ever.

“Hi baby girl. Good nap?” I add, rubbing her back as she sinks into my hold, as Jaime and Jillian simply stare at us in surprise.

“I haven’t slept that well since before the accident,” she tells me, her arms wrapping around my waist, and I lower my face to hers, breathing in her softness. My lips brush across her forehead, and she lets out a sigh, that makes my cock wake entirely once more. The hardness presses against her belly and her arms hold even tighter to me.

“Seriously? Is no one going to explain this?” Jillian asks as Mom tries to usher the girls from the room, the smile on her face seeing Eden’s contentedness in my hold reassuring.

“Your brother and Eden will tell us everything we need to know when we need to know it,” Mom says, the look she shoots me saying it better be sooner rather than later, pulls a nod from me, as she moves the girls from the room.

I don’t bother to resist Eden’s lips when we’re alone, kissing her until I know the only options are to stop or take her upstairs with me. With the girls in the house, the second is out of the question for now.

“Jude,” Eden whispers when I pull back, lifting her gorgeous face to see her eyes. They’re shining emeralds of desire and I can’t wait another minute to put my ring on her finger.

I pull the box out of my pocket, watching the desire be replaced with surprise and disbelief, but it’s the hope that fills in behind them that has me sinking to a knee in front of her. “I bought this two days after I met you, Eden. I knew you were meant to be mine, and even if it took the rest of my life, I was going to find you and put it where it belonged. On your finger, showing everyone that you’re mine, that you’re loved and adored, and to stay away or risk my wrath.”
