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“I would have never thought he was involved in organized crime,” Sierra admitted, sitting across from where Tommy leaned into the kitchen table. “He’s always out and about or in his office, but the people who come into the house look well put together. There aren’t gang symbols on their clothes or anything like that.”

Tommy laughed, running a hand down his face. Seeing him sitting without pain was a relief I hadn’t realized I’d needed. “Don’t judge a book by its cover. He’s dangerous,” he replied, shaking his head. His shoulder-length hair that fell in ringlets of curls danced with the motion.

Sierra nodded and grabbed her soda, taking a long swig before returning it to the table. I hadn’t expected Tommy and Sierra to become friends, and it took ungodly amounts of willpower not to force my body between theirs. It was clear we both had stories we hadn’t shared, and it frustrated me every day when she didn’t give me anything. She wouldn’t even so much as look at me after the day in the garage.

“I’m not putting much stock in him,” she said. “I’m being careful to stay out of sight.”

“Aren’t you concerned about why he hired you?” he asked. I furrowed my brows and shot a look at Tommy. “I’m sure you’re great at what you do, but there are many other people with more qualifications. Probably even people he works with who could do the renovation for him.”

She shrugged. “I guess I was the most qualified person who applied.”

But Tommy made a good point. I thought about Virgil’s business endeavors and realized there was one easy solution I hadn’t and didn’t want to consider. He dealt with human trafficking, and Sierra would make a relatively lucrative asset if he got his hands on her. I met Tommy’s eyes over her shoulder, silently telling him not to continue his thoughts aloud. He gave me a barely discernable nod. We’d have to keep an eye on that situation. I hoped I was being too cautious. I hoped that Sierra’s resume had stood out and he hadn’t considered that she was a beautiful, high-profit woman.

“I think we should teach you some self-defense just to be cautious,” Tommy proposed. “You’re there every day, and I’d like to make sure you can defend yourself.”

Frankie looked up from where he’d been sitting silently at the center island. “You’re not doing any physical activity for another three weeks,” he said firmly to Tommy. “If you pull those stitches again, you’ll get an infection.”

Tommy huffed, pursing his lips and looking at Frankie. “Do you think it’s a bad idea?”

Frankie shook his head quickly. “Definitely not a bad idea. Just not one you’ll see through.”

Louis huffed a breath through his nose. “I’m not volunteering.”

I opened my mouth. “I—”

Sierra shook her head. “I’ll be fine.”

I looked at Frankie with raised brows. Sierra wouldn’t train with me, Tommy couldn’t do it for a few more weeks, and Louis wouldn’t. She’d grown on all of us faster than Bella had when Frankie brought her around, but Louis was notoriously impossible to sway. He still hated Bella, despite her and Frankie’s marriage. I didn’t doubt he’d behave the same way toward Sierra.

“I’m busy in the mornings and the evenings with business,” Frankie said. I narrowed my eyes, but he didn’t notice. He continued looking at Sierra. “If you can be here at one o’clock sharp two days a week, I’ll teach you a few self-defense maneuvers. When Tommy is cleared in a few weeks, he can continue teaching you.”

“It’s really not a big deal,” she said with a kind smile. “I know how busy you all must be…”

“I am,” Frankie confirmed with a nod. “But you’re working with us, so we can prioritize keeping you safe. We’ll start tomorrow at one.” He left no room for debate as he turned his attention back to the tablet in front of him.

I could see Sierra’s discomfort as she watched him, but Tommy quickly drew her attention again. “I’d bet we could turn you into some kind of badass warrior chick or something.”

“I don’t know what kind of porn you’re watching, but you need to tone it down.” The disgust on Sierra’s face from Louis’s comment had my chest bursting with laughter, the tension in the room gone. She had somehow managed to engrain herself in our ranks in the few weeks she’d been here, and I didn’t know whether to be pleased with how well my brothers accepted her or frustrated that she had such a hold on all of us. All aside from Louis, of course. However, he didn’t chide her nearly as harshly as he always had with Bella. I wondered if she’d managed to sway him a bit, too.

Tommy smirked. “You don’t want to know what kind of porn I watch, Sierra?”

She leaned forward and hit him on the upper arm. “I don’t talk sex with younger guys.”

Tommy’s eyes narrowed. “I’m twenty-three,” he countered.

“Still younger than twenty-five,” she said with a shrug.

“I’m sure if you don’t feel comfortable talking sex with Tommy, you could with Carlo,” Louis said with an antagonistic tone. “You don’t have a problem discussing sex with older men, do you? Especially the ones you’ve already fucked.”

She gaped, and I stood, moving toward Louis quickly. I didn’t think before slamming my fist into his cheek. I didn’t question how he knew about what we’d done, and I didn’t particularly care. Not when I saw the look of abhorrence on Sierra’s face as he said the words. My fist vibrated with the blow I’d dealt him, and Louis laughed as he rubbed his jaw. I grabbed the front of his shirt. “Stop being an ass,” I said, turning and waltzing back to my seat.

Though Sierra held a hand over her mouth, staring between us, nobody else in the room was fazed. Frankie had dealt him a few blows over the years as well, for what he’d said to Bella. Louis moved his jaw back and forth, rubbing it as he chuckled. He’d definitely been dealt worse. Despite not being the oldest, Dad had groomed him for years to be the heir, and that came with a lot of pain and difficult situations. I couldn’t even begin to fathom the pain he’d gone through to maintain that title.

“That was a good one,” he admitted, rubbing his jaw and nodding in approval. “You had to know that fucking in the garage wouldn’t go unnoticed.”

Sierra looked to the floor, her cheeks reddening slightly. I wanted to hit him again for drawing that reaction from her, but I stopped myself, taking a deep breath. I didn’t need to protect her. She wanted nothing to do with me, and that had to include my protection. I’d given it to her before, but it hadn’t gotten us anywhere. We were still in this shitty position, and she still hated me.

“I’d better go,” Sierra said softly, the smile on her face unfaltering but clearly feigned.
