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She checked her com and paused. “Yeah. I have to go. I will be back in six hours or less, but Amadine needs to be asleep by then.” She looked over at Lida. “Can you make sure that Amadine gets to bed on time and doesn’t live on coffee?”

Yalida nodded. “Yup. No problem. I will make sure that she gets some sleep.”

“Thanks. Everyone, I had a really nice time tonight. Thanks for the welcome to the neighbourhood. Now, back to what pays the bills.” She kissed Geero and patted his cheek. “Talk to you later.”

She walked over to Titan and climbed in, waving to them before she took off, and then she went straight up before breaking the sound barrier on a flight taking her hours away. It was time to rescue a diplomat.

Six hours later, Titan landed in the yard, and Ondine left it to walk across to the guesthouse. She saw Yalida sitting on the porch of the main house, and she waved, exhausted.

Yalida got up and headed inside.

Ondine opened the door and walked inside. The stairs were on her left, but the couch beckoned. She stomped over to the couch, kicked off her boots, and curled up in a ball.

Five minutes later, she felt a warm hand on her forehead, and Geero murmured, “I am going to carry you upstairs. I am going to undress you and tuck you in then I will be on my way.”

She nodded, and he picked her up and did what he said he would. She was tucked into bed with a kiss on the forehead and then a soft kiss on her lips, and he was gone. If she weren’t so tired, she would have gone after him.

Ondine smelled breakfast, and Amadine came through and then stopped. “Aw, fuck. You let him get away.”

“He’s too large to keep as a pet, and you would never walk him.”

Amadine sighed and brought in the tray. It was set for two.

Ondine smiled. “I don’t know where Geero went, but I am guessing he had to get back to his normal life. He’s no longer an escort, but I am guessing he could re-up at any time.”

Amadine sat with her while she ate. “So, you are giving up on him?”

“No. He isn’t mine to pin hopes on. We have to get a sales agent and look for a new place in town. Something with enough room for baby.”

Amadine frowned. “I still want to talk about Geero. Why did you let him get away? He’s perfect!”

“He kinda is.” She sipped her coffee, and her com alerted. She made sure that her sheet was under her arms when she answered the live call. “Hello?”

Geero smiled, his hair was damp, and his eyes were glowing as he looked at her. “Hello, Titan. What are you doing today?”

“Trying to get myself presentable and start looking for a house.”

“Can I help? My aunt is a realtor.”

She blinked. “Your aunt?”

“Yeah. Enkari Mathers. She’s human.”

Ondine sipped her coffee.


“I am thinking.” She kept sipping, and Amadine tried to get her attention but ignored it until she put her coffee down.

Geero’s eyes were glowing. “I see you are healing well.”

She frowned, looked down, and yelped as she jerked the sheet back up.

He chuckled. “So, we can pick you up in an hour. Is Amadine coming?”

Amadine shook her head and rocked her arms.

“She’s going to commune with the baby. Make some lists.”
