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Ivetha muttered, “Very interesting if you married one.”

“They have a shortage of active females, so they have a regulation that if you are there more than two days, you have to marry one of the locals. There was a tropical storm, and I was stuck on the island and got married. No one said it had to be consummated.”

Geero chuckled. “Was he blind?”

“No, just patient. He made me promise to introduce myself as married and call him if there is an emergency, so I swore to it, and he brought me back to the mainland.”

Amadine blinked. “I want to write that as a romance.”

Sariah laughed. “Right now, it is more action-adventure.”

“Meh. I can make it romantic.” Amadine flipped her hand in the air.

The table at large laughed, and lunch was consumed. Ondine, Amadine, and Geero made a list of items and paint colours they needed from the hardware store.

Ondine looked at Sariah and Ivetha. “Can you two just hang around and wait until we get back?”

“Sure. We will go see if Clavia has finished those cookies.” Sariah chuckled.

They split up, and Ondine and Amadine headed out with Geero to get some paint and pick out furnishings. The homestead was left in good hands.

* * * *

“So, Ivy, where did you learn to make a table?”

Iveth laughed at her sister. “Here and there. Life isn’t just programming, you know. When you left, I had to learn how to keep myself busy. I took every night class I could find that fit around my work schedule. I learned a bunch of things.”

“So, the BDC came to you?”

“Yeah. Arcady pulled me into a conference room and made the pitch. Then, Zera arrived and did the same.”

“Why did they need you?”

“Resonance. He needed resonance.” Ivetha smiled. “So, we sat together one or two times a month, and I helped him line up his energy waves.”

“Why did it have to be you?” Sariah sounded agitated.

Ivetha started to move her hands in time with her speech. “Because I am fluent in sign language.”

“When did you learn that?”

“Two years ago. I just got fluent enough to take an exam last year.”

“So, you communicated with your patron that way?”


Sariah chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.”


“Oh, nothing.”

Ivetha got to the guesthouse and checked her security system. She had powered it to a ridiculous degree when Sariah called out, “Ivy, get ready to fight.”

Ivetha looked as four portals appeared in the yard, and men began pouring out of them. She took a deep breath and screamed. Light flared, and shouting started. She really hoped she wasn’t too rusty to do what she had to.

* * * *
