Page 21 of Mine

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It was better to accept it and not think of getting away because he had no other option.

He managed to keep from clenching when the fortieth hit his rear, and Jagger continued as before. At that point, there was nowhere on Luke’s back that the braided strip could hit without crossing other lines, and that intensified each hit. He bit down on the gag as he tried to hold back his tears, but he broke down in sobs.

When the whip diagonally cracked across his whole back once more, it tore another gagged scream from him. He barely had time to process it before it lashed his bottom again.

Amazingly, he didn’t clench, although the ginger still burned.

The whip came no more, so Jagger must have completed the allotted fifty, and Luke tried to support himself better on his feet as he quietly sobbed. Dear Elira, every punishment whipping would be like this, and he’d have no choice but to endure it.

He figured Jagger was giving him a few minutes to truly feel his suffering without anything to distract him. After a bit, leather fingers brushed along his back, and he grunted as he tried to stop shivering.

“The sight of a man’s whipped back is truly something to behold,” Jagger said as he pressed his erection into Luke’s leg. “You felt it as every mark was made. You won’t be sleeping on your back for a bit, but see? You’re not shredded. I did give you some very thin cuts here and there, but they’ll heal fine. Now, I can give you a bit more training.”

There was more?

"I've got a nice piece of fresh ginger to put in you."

The ginger was removed, and the new piece inserted into his anus made him squirm and whimper again. It wasn’t long before he felt something thin and wooden on his ass. It drew back and when it landed, he howled through the gag and clenched.

“One more clench, and I’ll fig and cane you every day until we leave,” Jagger warned him. "This is your last chance."

Luke gasped for breath through his nose and struggled to keep his ass relaxed while the cane struck him again. It was worse than yesterday's caning, so Jagger must have been holding back a little then. Luke knew his ass would be riddled with deep marks now. The third made him shout, the fourth made him scream, and the fifth made him want to beg.

“Pain is an excellent teacher,” said Jagger.

It certainly was because he hadn’t dared to clench again. On the sixth, he kept his rear relaxed and let the sting of the cane bite deep into the tissue and muscles.

He was sure he couldn't handle anymore, and Jagger touched his side and spoke near his head.

“Steady your breathing," he ordered, and Luke made an effort to even it out and try to calm himself. "You’re doing well now, and you’re making me proud. You can take one more to make me happy.”

Luke braced his legs and kept his bottom relaxed. He could do this. He’d agreed to serve, and one more strike was nothing compared to being in the mine on his own. He owed Jagger.

The agony bit deep once more, and he howled through the gag as his fingers uselessly scrambled against the post.

“Good boy.” Jagger slapped his cheeks and groped them hard enough to make the ginger burn even more. “There’s nothing wrong if you need to scream or cry when you’re punished. It’s supposed to hurt. You made me proud because you learned something, and I don’t think you’ll clench again, will you?”

Luke mumbled through the gag and shook his head. A little glow of pride formed in his chest because he had done something he wasn’t sure if he could manage.

Jagger played with the left nipple clamp and twisted the ginger plug. “Remember, if you're obeying to avoid further punishment, you’re doing it wrong. Every action should be to please me.”

Jagger spent a couple of moments seeming to admire him and fiddle with the clamps. Luke’s ass and back blazed with pain as he kept still and let his owner do as he pleased. It wasn’t like he had a choice after all.

Jagger’s touch left him, and after a bit, he heard the door open. A new voice spoke, although it was too low to make out.

Luke flinched when an unfamiliar, heavy hand slapped his tortured ass, but he didn’t dare clench. He had to focus to hear the new guy through the hood.

“Ginger? Good Goddess, you love making them suffer. I’m surprised the Earl hasn’t ordered every prisoner to be figged during whippings. It sounds like something his sick ass would like. That’s nice marks too.”

“He’ll be feeling that for quite a while.”

"Why not wait until you get to the mines since the Earl felt like cleaning them all out of here? Even the guy who just stole some bread is going."

"I felt like it," said Jagger. "He's my pet, so he needs to know I mean business."

“I'm sure he knows now. See you later.”

Luke only heard a few meaningless noises until burning cloth touched his back on some of the thin cuts, and he groaned.
