Page 15 of Judge and Jury

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I wasn’t about to be anyone's sex slave. No way, no how, just no.

“Miss, you can’t do that–” A voice called out in the darkness.

Suddenly there was movement all around me. When I had escaped Christian, I hadn't even thought there might be other people on board. People that I could possibly ask to help me, but it made sense that there was.

Of course, there was.

“I've got her.” Christian's voice boomed out from right behind me. His arms caught me around the waist, and with one easy pull, I slipped and was tumbling back in his arms. “Oh, no you don’t, my love.”

Struggling against the vice-like grip he had on me, I thrashed, my feet making frequent contact with his shins, but nothing I did made a slight bit of difference.

“Let me go, you goddamn son of a bitc–”

“We had a little argument, that's all.” He said the words smoothly, ignoring my tirade totally. And it took me a second to realise he was talking to the crew that had come out to see what the hell was going on. “Taylor here has a flair for theatrics. Don’t you, my love?”

Shifting my weight, he turned me in his arms, still keeping me locked to his body with my tiptoes barely touching the deck.

“I'm not your love!” I bit back.

His face didn’t change, it stayed serene. But something shifted in his eyes. A darkness crept over them, and it filled me with dread. I had always thought he had pretty eyes, soft and warm, but they looked dead now.

Uncaring and devoid of any real emotion.

This was the real Judge. This was the monster. And I had awoken him.

I sagged in his arms, the fight leaving me.

“Are you ready to act like an adult and talk now, Taylor?”

Staring up at his face, I mulled over my options and realised I didn’t have any. “Yes.”

“Good.” His eyes searched my face. “Now let's go back to bed so these good people can start their day. Can we have breakfast in an hour please?”

“You can put me down.” I didn’t want to be carried or held by him. “I'm not going to do anything stupid. Or–”

My feet touched the ground, and his arm loosened. The moment it did, my head moved, whipping to the side. My eyes found the shoreline again. If I could just get over the side, I would be ok. I was sure of it. I was a fairly good swimmer. I could get to land and find help. Explain to them that a suspected killer had kidnapped me and…

Something must have shown on my face because no sooner had the thought entered my mind, I was off my feet again. The Judge flung me over his shoulder like I was a sack of flour. His hand came down hard against my barely covered ass.

“Oh, you're not going to do anything stupid, huh? So, swimming to shore isn't on your mind right now?” He tapped my ass again, softer this time, and there was real laughter making his voice thick as he walked away from the edge, taking me with him. “Come on, Taylor, I thought you were smarter than that.”

The door shut behind us with a soft thud, but I jumped anyway. It sounded too much like a jail door slamming shut.

“Why am I here? What do you want from me? I was promised I would be safe and–”

“You are safe, Taylor. Keeping you safe means I can't let you go flinging yourself off the sides of boats and into danger. Sometimes keeping you safe means stopping you doing what you want to do. Really it's for your best interest.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

Slowly, he let me slip down his body. “Kill you?” Christian’s voice was confused. “Of course, I'm not going to kill you.”

I blinked up at him, not believing a word he said.

“I'm going to love you.”


“Sit.” I pointed to the bed where we had just been wrapped in each other's arms and sighed.
