Page 17 of Judge and Jury

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The tip of my tongue touched her clamped together lips, but that was ok. At least with her mouth shut, she was no longer screaming.

I kissed her again. Soft brushes of my lips over hers, but she didn’t respond at all. She just lay there with her eyes open and staring above my head. But something happened to her body. It softened, ever so slightly at first and then more and more as she realised that I wasn’t going to hurt her.

Taylor didn’t move her arms around my neck, and she didn’t kiss me back, but she did relax.

“See,” I murmured against her lips. “You’re perfectly safe. No one is going to hurt you.”

And no one would. I wouldn’t allow it. If I got my way, and I always did, she would be protected because she was mine. Hell, even if she wasn’t mine, I would look after her. The good things in life deserved to be protected from the bad things. Things like me.

Her bright blue eyes stared at my face, and her lips twitched upwards. “Am I perfectly safe, Christian?”

“Yes.” My lips slid over hers again and this time she let out a little sigh. “No one will harm you, in any way. You have my word on that.”

For a second, she stared at me and then shook her head. “Maybe not physically but emotionally…” Trailing off, she looked to the side.

It hit me all in a rush. She wasn’t afraid of death or pain or at the very least, she thought she wasn't. But she was scared of letting her guard down around me. Taylor knew this wasn’t one of her romance books. She knew I was dangerous. And she didn’t want to fall for a man like me. I couldn’t blame her for that.

If I ever had a daughter, they would be kept away from men like me.

“Your heart is safe with me as well.”

“I don’t plan on giving you my heart.” She looked genuinely shocked at the notion. “I’m a romantic, I'm not an imbecile.”

Laughing, I rolled to the side. “I know you're not, Taylor. But reality doesn’t have to be much different from your romance novels.” Pulling myself up onto my elbow, I stared down at her face. “If you just give me a chance, I’ll make you a princess." Shaking my head, I grinned. “No, not a princess. A damn queen. All you have to do is say yes.”


“To being mine.”

Thick lashes fluttered down. “You barely know me, Christian, one night together–”

Pressing my finger against her lips, I cut her off. “Then give me the chance to get to know you. And in turn, get to know me. A little while together and I am sure you will agree with me. We are meant for each other.”

Letting out a tinkling laugh, Taylor reached up and pushed a strand of hair out of my face. “Maybe you're more of a romantic than I am, Christian.”

I wasn’t. I doubted there was a genuinely romantic bone in my body. But if that’s what she wanted to believe, then I would let her. I doubted what I felt for her could ever be called love.

“Just say yes.”

There was hesitation in her eyes, but I knew I had her. It had been easy. So damn easy actually.

“How long?”

“Until,” I lowered my face to hers, “you tell me you want to go home without a single trace of lust and need in your eyes. A few days at least, maybe weeks. Longer hopefully. I would like to show you the sights. Explore with you.”

And explore you more thoroughly, I added silently.

“The sights?”

“You will see. We will dock soon and then our time together really begins. But other than that, my lips are sealed.” I made a zipping motion across my lips.

“I must be the world's biggest idiot but…ok.”


For a second he looked confused, and who could blame him for that? I'd just confused the hell out of myself as well when I'd agreed. And then he began to smile. Slowly, his lips pulled upwards until a dimple I didn’t even know existed popped in his cheek.

I focused on it.
