Page 22 of Judge and Jury

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Not missing a beat, Vivian grinned. “She sounds beautiful.”

“She is.” I answered without hesitation. “The most beautiful angel in the world.”

“I look forward to meeting her.” Vivian stood, and her bare feet were almost soundless as she came around the table towards me. “I have some items that will be perfect for your newamor.” Leaning over me, she pressed her lips to my cheek and rested her hand on my thigh. “And if you would like to share her…” Her hand slid to the side, cupping the hard ridge of my straining cock in her palm. “I would be more than willing. We could play together, Judge. Have your beautiful blonde between us. Wouldn’t you like to feel me and her worship you together?”

My breath lodged in my throat. Under her hand, my cock jumped. Not because she was touching me, but because of the mental image she was painting.

“Just something to think about.” She kissed my ear, her tongue lapping at the sensitive skin. “It would be fun.”

Fun? Yes, it would be fun. It would be fucking exquisite.


My heart slammed into my chest so loudly and so hard that I choked. Instantly, Judge was on his feet, moving away from the exotic-looking vixen who had just been rubbing her hand over the bulge in his trousers. He looked guilty.

She did not.

“Taylor.” Schooling his face into a wide smile, he reached for me. I didn’t take his hand. Instead, I stared at it. Unblinking and unthinking.

“This is Vivian.” Not wasting a second, he drew me to him. His arm slung low around my waist so his fingers could play over my hip. “She is going to bring you some new clothes for our trip. Vivian is an old friend and–”

I shifted my weight, stiffening under his arm. I stared at the woman who smiled slyly at me. Oh, it was pretty clear they were friendly alright.

So friendly that they had pretty much been making out. And she had said…

I blushed.

I wasn’t sure what I had just witnessed, and I didn’t really want to. Especially if what she had suggested was something The Judge wanted to do.

And he hadn’t told her no. He had looked all sorts of mesmerised at the very thought of having the threesome she was blatantly offering.

Was that the kind of thing he would want from me on this trip? Had I agreed to not just sharing my time with him but any other woman or man he decided to share me with?

“It is lovely to meet you,mademoiselle.” Without warning, her painted lips pressed to my cheek, barely missing the corner of my mouth. “Judge was right. You really are the most ravishing creature indeed. It will be my honour to dress you.”

Not saying a word, I continued to stare at her. She was so fake, she needed to come with a health warning. Her glossy hair had to be dyed to that raven black shade and her heaving breasts were clearly fake.

Even her French accent felt forced. I wanted to open my mouth and ask her what part of France she was from. I wanted to be bitchy, but I wouldn’t. To do that would let them both know that what I had just witnessed had affected me.

“I’ll have some clothes ready in a few hours.” Walking away, she trailed her hand across Judge’s lower stomach. “Maybe I can join the pair of you for supper?” She smiled over her shoulder.

She was brazen alright.

“Maybe.” Again, Judge didn’t tell her that he would not be spending the night with her. He didn’t put her in her place and tell her that I wasn’t about to jump into bed with the pair of them. And why?

Because he didn’t know? That was a lie. He had been watching me for months. He knew full well what kind of woman I was.

No, he wasn’t telling her no because he wanted that. It was something he was considering.

The real question was if he expected me to take part, whether I wanted it or not, would I do it?

Tilting my chin up to him, I found him studying me. His dark eyes were brooding and lust filled. It was all the answer I needed.

Yes, he definitely wanted what Vivian was offering.

“It will really depend on…” I started to say and the lust in his voice turned to anger.

Turning me to face him, he gripped both of my shoulders. “It depends on what?”
