Page 32 of Judge and Jury

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“Do you want to start…?”

“Go to sleep, Taylor. We will start soon, but not tonight. Tonight, I have pushed you enough and I just want to sleep with you in my arms. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

“We do?”

Closing my eyes, I nodded. “Yes.”

And tomorrow I would have to make a decision. One that would affect the rest of my life and hers.

I would have to decide whether to go on with my plan, or if I had to adapt it. Should I do what I wanted or what Taylor deserved? One would last a lifetime, the other would only give me her for a few days.

And I wasn't sure either was long enough.


“It's raining.” The Judge said the moment I opened my eyes, sounding every bit like a disappointed child. Stretching, I hid my smile. I had known it was raining because I had been lying there awake but with my eyes closed for at least fifteen minutes. Instead of rousing, I had enjoyed luxuriating in the feeling of warmth and calmness that enveloped me as I listened to the rain outside.

I had no right to feel calm in his company, but somehow I did. Yes, he was a killer. He had pretty much admitted that to me, but I knew deep down in my heart that he wouldn't hurt me. I couldn't quite put my finger on what Judge's feelings for me were, but it was clear from the way he acted that he cared for me, for some reason.

“Is that a problem?”

The bed dropped as he rolled over me, catching himself on his hands so he trapped me in a cage of his arms. “Yes,” he growled, and I was shocked to sense actual anger in his voice. “We had plans.”

Raising an eyebrow, I waited for him to continue and tell me what those plans were.

“I guess we could stay in.” He said finally, and something that looked decidedly like mischief entered his dark eyes, making them lighter. “We could play some games until the rain passes and…”

A blush crept up my cheeks as the memories of last night flooded me. Had he really slipped that cold glass chest piece inside of me and then licked it so expertly out again that I had been left a needy quivering mess? It felt like a dream, and yet I knew it wasn't. Neither were the things he had said he wanted to do to me. Filthy things that made me blush just thinking about them. They did other things to my body as well. Clamping my thighs together, I bit back the urge to arch my body into his.

“What, like chess?” I asked sweetly before I could stop myself.

“We would need to get another board. No one will ever touch that one again. It is…” His eyes narrowed, travelling to the left. Turning my head, my eyes fell on what he was looking at, and there it was. The chess piece. Standing pride of place on the glass side table. My blush deepened. His words continued. “It is precious to me. Just like you are.” Lowering himself over me slightly, his lips brushed against the corner of my mouth. “One I want to keep secret and one I want to show off.”

Smiling, I found his lips more fully with mine. It was a soft kiss. Nothing like the reckless abandon of last night, but somehow it felt just as right. It lit the same fire in me. “Why do you want to show me off, Judge? I would think you would want to keep me all locked up and all to yourself. I am your prisoner, after all.”

I meant it as a joke, but he pulled away. His face became troubled. “Why wouldn't I want to show off what is mine, Taylor?” he answered my question with one of his own. “You are a beautiful woman who deserves to be shown off. And I had it all planned. Everything was meant to be perfect.”

Ignoring the fact that he had again said I was his, when no such thing had ever really been decided, I reached for him. “You really do always get your own way, don't you?”

“Yes, and it makes me crazy when things don't go to plan. Today was meant to be perfect.”

“You're so cute.” Kissing him one last time, I flopped back onto the mattress, my arms stretching out above my head. “But a little rain never hurt anyone. What did you have planned for today?”

Something that looked like mischief filled his face, making his lips curl upwards. “Well, there was a romantic picnic and some exploring, of both the town,” he chuckled, “and each other's bodies. I guess we could go straight to that part. I'm sure I could handle that.”

“Judge, did you just make a joke?” Cocking my head to the side, I studied him. The smile on his face didn't move, but his eyes twinkled. “You did, didn't you? You made a joke.” Pushing at his shoulder to get him to move, I sat upright, arching my back until it cracked. I had slept well, but it had left me stiff.


“Well, I like it. Now get dressed, because–”

He cut me off. “Why do we need clothes, Taylor?”

“You wanted to go and explore, didn't you? And I want that, too. I would love for you to show me around the town. I've never been anywhere in France before. Now, clothes.” I pointed to nowhere in particular.

“Are you trying to order me around, Taylor Lawson?” Falling back onto the pillow, he watched as I stretched again, his eyes everywhere all at once.

“Yes, I am.” Standing in front of him, I straightened my shoulders. “I want to go exploring with you, so unless you want me to go alone…” I shrugged.

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