Page 34 of Judge and Jury

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“Now I know I never will. This isn't the life I want, Judge. I don't want things, I want feelings. I want real love.” Stamping my foot, water splashed up my tight jeans. “I don't want this.”

“You haven't even given this a chance. You haven't given me a chance.”

“I don't need to, Judge. I won't be one of your bought girls. If that's what you want, I’m sure there are plenty who would take you up on it. But I am not the one for you.”


“Iam not the one for you.”

At first her words didn't compute in my head. They didn't make any sense. The last few days had gone so well. We had been on track for the big day at the end of next week and I couldn't understand what had gone so terribly wrong. And then their meaning made sense.

Taylor thought she could dismiss me? At my side, my fists clenched into fists.

“Only I can decide that.” I tried and failed to keep my voice even. The street was almost empty, but I glanced around, anyway. Taylor seemed to think this was one of her romance novels. Where the hero always fell head over heels in love. It wasn't, and she needed to realise that.

Same as she needed to know exactly what kind of man I was. She was in for a really rude awakening, and I didn’t want an audience for it.

Grabbing hold of her wrist, I dragged her into a small alleyway between the high stone buildings, totally ignoring her squeals of protest. When we were out of sight of the street, I forced her back against the wet stone, crowding into her space and pushing my body against hers, hard.

“You don't get to decide anything here, Taylor,” I ground out. Pinching her chin between my thumb and fingers, I forced her head up so she had no choice but to look into my eyes. I didn't want there to be any misunderstanding between us. Not anymore. “You are not in control. I am. I will be the one to decide whether we are together or not.”

Her blue eyes widened. “Judge, I–”

“No,” I growled. “You don't get it yet, do you? You are here because I want you to be. You are alive because I want you to be. And you will be mine until I decide otherwise.” Loosening my grip on her chin, I slid my hand down her slender throat. Closing my fingers around it, I squeezed hard.

Her breath caught, and her eyes widened in fear.

“Do you understand that, Taylor?”

She tried to nod her head, but my grip on her meant she could do no more than squeak.

“Everything you are now is because I want you to be.” Loosening my grip just slightly, I heard the whoosh of her breath and right on its tail a whimper. My eyes blazed as I took in her wide eyes and parted lips. She was afraid alright. But not of physical violence, I realised. Somehow, deep down, she knew I would never hurt her. It was something else that scared her and I had a sneaky suspicion I knew what it was.

Closing my fingers again, I moved my free hand down her slim body until I got to the button of her jeans. The denim was wet, and it clung to her body, but somehow I managed to force my hand down. I cupped her, rubbing the heel of my hand against her clit in tight, almost vicious circles. The entire time, I continued to squeeze her windpipe in rhythmic bursts. And I never took my eyes from her face. I watched her reaction.

It was exactly what I suspected. Taylor wasn't afraid of me hurting her, she was afraid of this. Of giving in to the darkness that I was offering. She didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't hide it from me.

Taylor Lawson wanted to be owned and controlled.

She craved and wanted it.

And I was a man of my word. I would give her everything she wanted.

Ripping the damp denim down her thighs, I tore aside her panties before sinking two fingers into her. As suspected, she was wet…soaking, so I slipped into her easily.

“Stop.” Struggling against me, she curled her hands around my wrist. “Please, Judge, not like this.” She let out a garbled moan that I caught with my lips and silenced.

She bit at my lip, hard and I tasted blood in my mouth and that was ok. Grinning, I pulled my head back and redoubled my attack with my fingers. I had always known she had fire inside that soft exterior and I approved. She couldn’t be my queen without it.

“You belong to me, Taylor. Your body is mine, and so are your orgasms.”

“Judge.” Her hand tightened on my wrist, but she didn't pull them away. Her hips were moving in time with my fingers, and I wasn't sure she even knew she was doing it.

“Cum for me, Taylor.” I growled, my voice coming out louder than I meant it. Not that I cared if anyone heard. The whole world could hear me and I wouldn't stop.

“Judge, it doesn't work like that. You can’t command me to…” she trailed off, her body stiffening around my hand.

It was cute that she thought she had a choice. I would give her the world. I hadn't lied about that. But she had to give in to me in return. It was all I asked. And I didn’t think it was a lot. I needed her. Her sweetness and light. And her fire as well. Because I needed to dampen that fire. Subdue it.

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