Page 9 of Judge and Jury

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I could do nothing but stare at him, my mouth swinging open in shock. I’d suspected and just put it down to my frayed nerves and an unhealthy dose of paranoia, but I’d been right.

“Now, don’t get all screamy.” He chuckled. “No harm is going to come to you. I only invited you here because I wanted to see you for myself.”

“Invited me here?” I squeaked.

“Well, technically, I invited your friend knowing she would get you here. You are a quiet girl, you work hard and keep to yourself. Tell me," he leant forward, “how many times have you been labelled a good girl?”

I did a double take. I didn’t want to admit it, but he’d hit the nail on the head. My entire life I had been labelled just that. The good girl, the bookworm, the hopeless romantic.

“It's what got you on his radar, Taylor. And luckily for you, he has a soft spot for the damsel type.” Gio’s eyes narrowed. “Not that he wouldn’t have taken you out if he needed to, but he wouldn’t want to do it. Christian has grown quite a conscience the last few years.” Gio’s eyes grew soft. “I think we all have, but it worked out in your favour.”

“What–how?” I asked, but I didn't really want to know. Mostly because I suspected I already knew the answer. “And Christian?”

“The Judge, as I call him.” The dark–haired man in front of me waved his hand over the glasses between us. “I think he would prefer you call him Christian, though. The judge is a little formal after what you two shared, don't you think?”

“I…well, I didn’t know it was him. If I had I would have–”

“You would have what, Taylor? Not gone with him? Not be carrying that note he left with you around in your purse? The romantic in you would never–”

I cut him off. “A romantic, yes, but I'm not stupid. I would never have gone anywhere with a convicted killer. I’m not that desperate.”

“He's never been convicted of a single crime, not one. The Judge is an innocent man.” Gio’s laugh was mocking, but I couldn’t tell whether he was laughing at me or at some inside joke.

“Are you a killer, too?” My fear was getting the better of me and it was making me do and say things I wouldn’t usually, but I just couldn’t seem to help myself.

“I do what I need to do to protect my family.”

The sound of the club seemed to melt away. There was no one else here but me and him. I felt like a trapped animal, cornered and with nowhere else to go. “What do you want from me?” Part of me didn’t want to know the answer, but we wouldn’t be having this conversation unless he wanted something. And the sooner I found out what that was, the sooner I could, hopefully, go back to living my quiet, uncomplicated life.

“Like I said, I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I have to say I'm impressed with Christian’s choice. Not surprised, but impressed. You are just what he needs in his life.” He took a breath but didn’t give me a chance to ask any follow–up questions. “The Judge, however, would very much like to see you again.”

The blood drained from my face. With shaking hands, I reached for my glass only to have Gio pull it out of reach. “No more alcohol for you.”

“Have you drugged me?”

His eyes flashed. “Of course not. I'm many things, but I do not drug women.”

“So, this isn't a kidnap attempt by the mob?”

Throwing back his head, Gio laughed. “If we wanted you kidnapped, you would have disappeared, Taylor. Stop being so naïve. I am simply asking you to come and meet with Christian.”

“And if I don’t want to do that?”

Gio didn’t answer at first, but his eyes lingered on Annie for a second longer than I liked. “He just wants to talk to you, explain some things.”

There was no open threat to my friends, but it was there anyway.

“If I agree, can you guarantee my safety? Would I be able to leave?” I couldn’t believe I was even contemplating it. It was foolish and reckless, and Annie would murder me. If, of course, the mobster's hitman didn’t do it first. “I’ll go but–”

Gio stood. “Good, I'm glad you are finally thinking clearly. Grab your coat and I will have the car pulled around for us both.”


“Of course. How can I guarantee your safety if I don’t hand you over to him myself? Now, go and tell your friends you need to leave.” He paused. “And don’t be foolish and say anything else, not when you are finally doing the right thing.”


“Is everything ready?” I already knew it was, but I needed to ask. It was either do that or go crazy. Gio was late, something that he never was, and it had me on edge in a way that was unfamiliar. I didn’t like not being in control, but when Gio had asked if he could personally deliver the package, I'd quickly agreed. It was a much better plan than my original one of plucking her straight from the streets. Kidnapping one of the jurors in my trial, even if they could never prove it was me, was foolish and one thing I wasn’t, was foolish.
