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I nodded as Nadia strode into the room and settled on the couch, pulling out her phone and strolling through it. I couldn’t help but wonder what losses they have faced because of my father and his cronies, and why did Damien blame me when Nadia didn’t seem to at all?

Chapter Eleven

Viktor Nikolaev

Ciara brought up for a fourth time how much she wanted Sean to return to school, and from the time I’d spent with him, I understood her concerns. So bright and early on Monday morning, I loaded them into the car and drove them to the Brighton Beach school.

“It’s not safe for him to go anywhere without us,” Ciara argued. “They could target him to get to me.”

I shook my head, gesturing to the guards on the school’s exterior. “A lot of mob members’ children go here. They must go through metal detectors and pass the guards to get into the building. Nobody can get to him here. This is the most well-protected building in my domain, and it’s safer for him than anywhere else. The most fucked up people go for schools, and I want to make sure they don’t get far.”

Ciara nodded and followed me as I strode through the doors of the school. We all passed through the metal detectors, and the principal met us on the other side, smiling widely. “Mr. Nikolaev, to what do we owe the pleasure?” she asked, shaking my hand.

“I need to enroll my son in school here.”

She looked between us and escorted us into the main office as we went through the paperwork and had all of his records transferred from his last school. Because I provided the protection and funding for many parts of this school, I was a welcomed guest here, and Sean was treated with the kindness he deserved. Ciara stood at my side, asking occasional questions and listening to everything the principal said.

“Unfortunately, we can’t get enough teachers willing to work for us here,” she admitted. “So, the class sizes are larger than we’d prefer. Usually anywhere from twenty-eight to thirty-five students per teacher. I know it isn’t ideal, but the neighborhood has a horrible crime rating. Most prospective employees see the armed guards outside and get discouraged, but unlike most other schools in the state, ours has never faced a serious threat. All because of Mr. Nikolaev.”

“I just want him to be in a social environment. Sean is extremely extroverted, and keeping him at home has been impossible. He’s miserable being alone,” Ciara explained, but I saw the gears behind her eyes turning.

I recalled her mentioning her desire to become a teacher, and I wondered if she’d be comfortable working for a place like this one. I’d have to discuss the topic with the principal and ask if it would be a good fit, and then I’d bring it up to Ciara.

My phone chimed, and I furrowed my brow, noting Damien’s number lighting the screen. “Sean is good to start today?” I clarified, and the principal nodded. I stood and gestured to my phone. “I need to take this.”

I moved from the room, allowing Ciara to finish answering the principles questions as I pulled the phone to my ear. “Yeah?” I replied.

Damien spoke quickly. “Boss, we have a domestic violence situation reported. All the other guys are busy today, and noon is the soonest anyone can be there. Are you in the area?”

I sighed. We had hundreds of people who paid us for protection from violence or gang activity, and I had a full-time team on call for situations like that. Damien oversaw it, and we stepped in on the brief occasion it became necessary. Some people paid for protection from domestic violence, and some gang bangers in the area paid to keep their families safe. It had been a good, profitable system, but only because we managed to keep our word and keep people safe.

“Send me the address,” I told him. “Do I need to know anything about the situation?”

“Her ex is armed and planning to kill her. He wasn’t in the house when she called, but he was trying to get inside. It requires immediate action.”

“Got it.” I ended the call and stormed back into the office, finding Ciara and the principal talking leisurely. “It’s time to go. Keep him safe,” I demanded.

Ciara stood immediately, looking at me with obvious questions in her eyes. I walked out of the office without another word, and Ciara followed closely at my heels. I couldn’t bring her along on a call like this, but if the situation was as urgent as Damien made it seem, I couldn’t make a pitstop at the house. She’d have to come, and I considered all the ways I could keep her safe and hidden.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, concern flashing as she pulled herself into the passenger’s side of the car and glanced at me.

“We have an active threat to one of the people in the area, and I need to take care of it,” I told her. “You’ll need to stay in the car as I take care of this.”

I saw her stiffen before she said anything, but I didn’t have time for a fight right now—not when it came to her safety. “I’m not just going to—”

“I don’t know why you’re making everything so fucking difficult,” I said to her, shaking my head. “You’re already in enough danger without going into an active shooter situation. You told me you’re terrified of guns, yet you plan on walking into a situation where they’ll be drawn, Solnishko? Does that really make sense?”

She sunk back in her seat as I whipped into the parking lot in question and stormed out of the car. I moved toward the trunk and gathered two guns, tucking one in my hip holster and bringing the other to her side of the car. I extended it toward her, and she flinched back as if it would burn her.

“Take it,” I demanded.

She shook her head.

I exhaled deeply, resting it on the dash and leaning toward her. “If anyone comes out to the car other than me, shoot them. Stay here, and keep your eyes up. I’ll try to make this as quick as possible.”

She didn’t respond. She didn’t even look at the gun as she leaned back in her seat, the usually chipper expression on her face dulled into a grave one. As I rushed into the apartment complex, I hoped Ciara would listen to what I’d asked her to do. I needed her to keep safe while I dealt with this shit. I strode up to the second floor and pulled my gun, making sure it was cocked and ready to fire if necessary.

When nobody stood in the hallway, I moved more quickly.
