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That makes me the perfect target because no one would miss me. I mean, Lilly would, but she’s only one person. I’m no one important to the community. I don’t come from a family of money or status. I’m just Mable, who works at a design company in my own little cubical where I don’t bother anybody.

The car comes to a stop; at least, I’m assuming it’s a car by the sound of the brakes and the small dark space I’m in—a trunk. I should call it what it is.

I wiggle back as far as I can, and the trunk opens, allowing cool air into the heated, humid space.

“Mable, are you okay?” he asks, bending down and sliding his arms under me.

I scream behind the gag, flopping my legs like a mermaid to escape him. I have to fight even if it means I’m left on the side of the road, bound and gagged.

He tosses me over his shoulder, and I lift my arms, then hit my fists against his back as hard as I can.

“Ow, stop. Stop! That hurts. Why are you doing that? You’re okay. I am not going to hurt you. I know it’s a little extreme, but I promise you’re going to be happy.”

Oh my God, he’s a psychopath.

I continue to fight him, slamming my elbow against the soft spot of his shoulder blade and spine.

“Fuck!” he roars. “Will you please give it a rest? That fucking hurt. I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I didn’t know another way to bring you here. No matter what I did, you would have fought me like you are now. But please, if you can, leave the part out where I drugged you when you talk to my brother, that would be great. He would be pissed if anything happened to you.”

I mumble behind my gag, making sure to try to yell certain words in hopes he will understand, then hit him in the back again.

“Listen, I know this isn’t conventional. You have every right to be upset with me, but name-calling is not necessary.”

Grumbling again, I run out of steam, the drug in my system is causing me to lose energy fast. My head sways, and I let my cheek rest against this stranger’s back.

“I hope one day you can forgive me—”

I snort loud enough for him to hear.

“—I’m not a bad guy.”

I can’t help it. I snort again, then try to speak, but it comes out in weak syllables.

“I know I kidnapped you!” he argues with me, somehow able to understand what I’m saying behind this damn gag.

I grumble again.

“And stop throwing it in my face that I drugged you. I had to. You would have screamed.”

“Mmhm!” I yell as loud as I can behind the gag.

“I didn’t want you to scream. It would have alerted people.”

No shit.

That’s the point.

“And you don’t understand. I had to do this. My brother is in a tough spot. He is in charge of the family business now, and he is being forced to marry someone he doesn’t want to, but I can’t have that happen. I can’t say anymore but know he is going to be so happy to see you. You guys know each other from…a few years back.”

For a kidnapper, I suppose this guy could be worse. He’s a little quirky and definitely a little unhinged, but not so scary now that he isn’t drugging me in the hotel room, gagging me, or throwing me in the trunk.

We have to look at the positive side of things, right?

No! What? No. I can’t fall for his insanity. He fucking kidnapped me. He isn’t nice. He is a psychopath who probably does this shit all the time. I bet he picks up the girls, and his brother is the one who kills them.

I look down at the stone walkway, then look left and right, noticing a well-kept lawn. There’s an iron fence surrounding the property, and I think I see a bench in front of a fountain, but it’s more of a shadow right now, and I can’t tell.

“I’m sorry, okay? For causing you fear, drugging you, and throwing you in the trunk. I didn’t know what else to do, and I felt like I had no options, but I promise, you’re safe here.”
