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It isn’t something to build a marriage on, but I hope one thing always shines through my misgivings—my love, my obsession, and my ache for Mable Porter.

I lift my eyes to the ceiling when I hear the guests start to come into the house. High heels and expensive loafers pound above us, the roars of conversation carrying all the way down the steps to my brother’s room.

My phone vibrates, and it’s a text message from Daphne.

Her: “She’s ready, darling. She’s absolutely beautiful, but she isn’t happy. Are you sure you want this?”

Me: “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll make her happy. I just need time.”

Her: “I hope that is true, Adrian.”


She only pulls that out when she’s serious.

“Are you ready?” My father is at the door again, and I stand.

I’ve been ready since the day I had to pull her out of the car all those years ago.

She might not be ready now, but she will be.

If she gives me a chance, I’ll be everything she’s ever wanted. That I can promise.

That, I can vow.



As I stand behind French doors, waiting to walk down an aisle I’d rather run away from, I think back to when Daphne was doing my hair. Poor thing. She tried so hard to make conversation, but I had to focus on not throwing up from nerves and fear.

And let’s not forget the feeling of my life being completely over. I know nothing about Adrian or Otello. I don’t know what they do for a living, I don’t know why Adrian is obsessed with me, and I don’t know how we know each other, but yet here I am, walking down the aisle to marry a man I’ve only ever kissed.

“You’ll be okay, sugar,” Daphne whispers at my side, fussing with my veil.

I will admit I have the dress of my dreams. I don’t know how Dri managed to know I always wanted a satin wedding gown with a lace back that buttons down the middle with a long train behind me that goes on for days. It fits like a glove.

“I hope so,” I admit, fiddling with the bouquet of red roses in my hand. “I’m supposed to take a leap of faith and be with him. I know nothing about him, Daphne.”

She has questions she wants to be answered, but I can’t answer them for her. Only Adrian can.

“I’ll say this, I’ve known Adrian for a long time. He’s a good man, better than his father and his brother. He is strong, smart, handsome, and means well. Is he perfect? No, no man is. It’s why I like to whip them.”

I chuckle, hiding my face in my bouquet.

“But what’s faith in this world if we never jump? Take the leap, honey. You never know; you might actually like where you land.” The music begins to play, signaling that I need to walk down the aisle now, and she gives me a tight hug. “Be happy that you ended up here because these men, while unlike any other you will ever meet, will change your life in the best ways if you allow it.”

“Take a leap?” And somehow forget I was kidnapped? I don’t think so.

“The biggest,” she squeezes my arms just as the doors open, revealing a gorgeous garden.

Rows of white chairs are filled with people I don’t know. White roses line the aisle. Weeping willow trees have twinkling lights strung throughout them, and for a moment, I get lost in the fantasy of my wedding.

At the end of the aisle, Adrian is in a suit tailored to every muscle of his body, and the smile on his face makes me relax.

I’ve never had anyone look at me like that before, so I’m going to try and take Daphne’s advice.

I’m going to leap, and I hope I land in the arms of a man with whom I can trust my life.
