Page 74 of Unhinged Desires

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“Mr McKinley, please stay seated, and buckle up. We’re making an emergency landing. Brace yourselves,” the pilot’s voice addresses Dominic over the intercom.

“What the fuck is happening?” Dom goes to unclip his seat belt and stand.

“No, don’t leave me.” I cling to him. The plane swerves, we tip to the side, and I let out a scream.

“It’s okay. Lucy, look at me. I’ve got you.” Dominic squeezes my hand harder.

I glance over at him, then back at my lap. We’re about to die. This is it. “I love you. I didn’t mean to, but I do. I fucking love you, Dominic McKinley, and I can’t stop it. And now we’re going to die. But it’s okay because I’ll die knowing what it’s like to be loved. Truly loved. And you gave me that.” Tears are streaming down my face. And I scream when the plane jostles around so much I swear the seat belts are going to give way and we’re going to fly out of our seats.

“I fucking love you, Little Bee. We are not dying. They’re going to make an emergency landing and we’re going to be fine.”

I look up at Dominic, deciding I want him to be the last thing I see. There’s another loud bang and then a jerk, before the oxygen masks fall from the overhead compartments.

“Brace, brace, brace,” the pilot’s voice yells over the loud speaker.

Dominic secures my mask over my face, before doing the same with his own. “It’s okay,” he tells me again.

I don’t believe him but I nod my head anyway. The lights of the plane go out and it’s pitch black. I reach out for Dominic, but I can’t find him. “Dom!” I scream and then feel his hands on mine.

My head is thrown forward as we make contact with something. I smell smoke. Fire. I need to tell Dominic there’s a fire.

“I love you, Lucy. Don’t ever forget that,” he whispers, and I can feel an arm wrap around me.

“Did we land?” I ask him.

“Not yet,” he says.

That’s when I hear the sound of metal scraping, and my body is bounced around the seat before my head connects with something hard.
