Page 58 of Pistol Perfect

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“She’s my aunt. When my mom died, when I was about your age, Aunt Carol took me when my dad couldn’t watch me, and she’s like a mom to me. I think you’ll love her, and if you don’t love her, I think you’ll love her cooking. She makes really good lasagna, and a couple days ago, she made brownie cheesecake. I think there’s still some left over in the kitchen somewhere.”

“We haven’t had breakfast yet,” Caren said, sticking her bottom lip out.

“All right. I know James makes really good eggs, and I can make toast,” Mabel said.

“And we can have cheesecake for dessert,” Annabelle suggested hopefully.

Mabel laughed. Then she shrugged her shoulders. “That’s fine with me.”

It wasn’t the healthiest thing the kids would ever eat, but it might be a memorable breakfast. There would be plenty of time to institute healthy eating habits, since from what Mabel knew about them, they ate mostly junk when they were with their grandmother.

“We have to feed the baby every two hours, so if we go in and eat breakfast, it’ll be time to feed her again by the time we’re done.”

“Can I feed her?” Annabelle asked immediately.

“I’m sure you can. She eats every two hours, so there will be a turn for everyone. In fact, we can get busy making a schedule for that if you guys want to.”

“I want to be on the schedule,” Bernice said, and she actually sounded eager and somewhat excited.

Mabel smiled to herself, hoping that maybe Bernice would come out of her shell a little bit and not be afraid to show emotion.

She didn’t think that she would ever be like her sisters, and she really didn’t want her to be. Bernice needed to be Bernice, just a version of Bernice that wasn’t scared that everyone was going to try to take advantage of her if she allowed them into her life and heart.

The girls stood. James picked a suitcase up in each hand and shoved one under his arm, and each of the girls picked up two as well.

With Mabel carrying two, they were able to get everything except for the bags into the house on the first trip.

Mabel couldn’t complain about how the first few hours had gone. Hopefully, the rest of the girls’ transition would be just as smooth.

Chapter 19

Breakfast had beenover for hours, and they were busy upstairs putting the rooms together. The house had six bedrooms total, and thankfully there were beds in each of them, so they didn’t need more.

James figured he would need to talk to Mabel later, but he thought they could use another dresser and some mirrors.

He figured girls were a little different than boys that way, although even as a boy, he sometimes found himself staring in the mirror.
