Page 111 of The Duchess Effect

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Home.He liked the sound of that. Unfortunately—

“It won’t be today. They’ve added two more events to my schedule. I’ll be back tomorrow before the state dinner.”

“Oh. Are you coming to the apartment?”

“There won’t be time. I’ll fly into London and meet you at the palace.”

“I’ll see you then. I love you,” she said, before ending their call.

At least he was finally going to get some answers. And as impatient as he was, Dani had been right. Waiting until all the family stuff was behind them meant they wouldn’t have to worry about headlines or official royal events or anyone else’s opinions or input other than their own.


Dani looked around the room she’d been escorted to. It had been easy to be quippy when she’d been here with Jameson. His presence had lent a comfort she’d taken for granted. Now the grandeur of her surroundings was making her nervous and uneasy.

Because you know why you’re here.

Without Jameson, who was in Northern Ireland drumming up the only positive press the palace had managed lately.

Column inches and camera lenses were shifting to the upcoming state visit and the banquet tomorrow evening with the prime minister of St. Lucia. Considering the current mood in light of the royal family’s scandals, many were questioning the purpose of the visit and asking if St. Lucia was close to holding a public referendum on the issue of separating from the monarchy. An issue Dani would have followed with a curious but detached interest if not for her conversation with Andrea that morning.

“Parcellum was troubled by the sudden downturn in positive coverage, even though you’re still trending on social media and receiving a lot of engagement online,” her CEO said. “But thensomeone brought to their attention the news about the state banquet and the fact that you’re expected to attend.”

“Yeah, I’ve been reading up on it. It’s a mess.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Colonialism,” she said, as if the one word summed up everything. Which, to her thinking, it kinda did. “The visit feels weighted, you know? There are many people from St. Lucia who take exception to the queen being their head of state and yet unwilling to acknowledge or apologize for the shit done in her name.”

“It sounds heavy and not an issue that can be solved during a dinner or by a foreigner. So try not to start a revolution over the fish course,” Andrea said, her tone laced with humor. “Parcellum was impressed by the access you’ve managed to gain. According to Greg Martin, unmarried partners of members of the royal family have never been legitimized by the Company. But with your appearance at this dinner, you have.”

“Damn. Royal stalker, much?”

“He did seem rather giddy during our conversation. Long story short, this event is make or break. If you do well, and the coverage is positive, they’re ready to sign the contract. But if there are any issues and the negative trend continues, they’ll reject the compromise and figure out their next step.”

No pressure.

It was unfair that despite everything she’d done the past three weeks—fuck, the past eight years!—it all came down to one dinner. Mela-Skin’s growth and Dani’s own financial future rested on whether she wore the right outfit, smiled brightly, and gave good small talk.

She didn’t have a lot of time to reflect on it because she’d ended the call with Andrea only to be greeted by a text from Louisa:

“The queen requests your presence at Buckingham Palace at half past two this afternoon.”

She should’ve been expecting it. The queen had to be displeased with the recent media coverage. From her outburst at the hospital to what happened at the regatta, Dani’s missteps were playing out in the headlines, to the exclusion of anything else. Someone had leaked to the papers that Jameson had arranged for Nyla and Yolanda to visit and now the media was debating whether she should reimburse the Crown for the expense. It was overwhelming. And she was certain the queen had something to say about it all.

“Her Majesty the Queen,” the footman announced as the door opened and the queen entered wearing a calf-length pale yellow dress dotted with pink tulips and a matching fuchsia cardigan.

Dani peeped around her, confirming she was the room’s sole occupant save the servants. It was obvious Dani knew who she was here to see, and the queen knew who was waiting. Did they have to formally announce her each time she entered a room?

Marina stood in front of the blue chair she’d occupied the last time they’d met. Dani sank into a curtsy and waited for the queen to take her seat before she perched on the edge of the love seat.

For several long moments Marina didn’t utter a word, and Dani realized it was an old-fashioned test of wills. She forced herself to remain still and return the older woman’s gaze.

Don’t you dare speak. No matter how long it takes or how uncomfortable it gets, you will not go first.

Yes, it was petty, but then Dani’s application for membership in that club had already been vouched for, accepted, and approved. She wasn’t coming to the palace in a position of power, but she had to win something, dammit!

Marina broke first. “These aren’t the results I expected when I sat in this room three weeks ago and agreed to let Jameson stepaway from his official royal duties in exchange for your help with our image problem.”
