Page 117 of The Duchess Effect

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He drank in the sight of her, appreciating the way the dress hugged her curves and the ice blue color gleamed against her skin. With her hair pulled back and more subdued makeup, of course she looked gorgeous, just not like herself.

He furrowed his brow. If anyone would’ve been able to withstand the pressures of his family, he’d thought it would be Dani.

He may have underestimated the exertion of their power.

“She does. But then, she always looks beautiful to me.”

Dani dipped her chin and regarded him from beneath her lashes. His body responded to a look it knew intimately.

“Well, a little refinement never hurt anyone.”

To everyone else there, Dani appeared to absorb the barb without any outward expression. Except he knew her, and he saw her offense in the tightening at the corner of her eyes.

“Madame Prime Minister—” the queen began.


“Please allow me to introduce my grandson, His Royal Highness Prince Jameson.”

Before the prime minister could dip into a curtsy, Jameson held out his hand to shake. She smiled. A genuine one that lit her eyes and curved her lips. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness.”

“Thank you, Madame Prime Minster. We’re happy to receive you at Buckingham Palace.”

Marina patted his arm. “You were unable to meet him earlier because he’s been on a very important trip to Northern Ireland, acting on behalf of his sovereign. It’s why we were late. I wanted to wait for him.”

“Don’t let it concern you a moment further. I’ve been having the most enlightening conversation with Duchess.”

“Is that so?” the queen asked, studying Dani.

Who averted her gaze.

He wanted to comfort her, but this wasn’t the place. Marina frowned on public displays of affection, especially at extremely formal events. And for this banquet he was serving as her escort, not Dani’s.

“Yes. We discussed her company and—”

“We’re very proud of Duchess and her company,” Marina interrupted. “In fact, we’re considering granting it a royal warrant.”

They were?

A look passed between the prime minister and Dani.

“Which one of you uses it?” the prime minister challenged.

Jameson widened his eyes, intent on seeing how this would turn out.

“I have dry skin and I’ve found the custard to be a tremendous help,” Marina said with a tilt of her chin.

Point goes to the queen.

“Mummy,” Bettina said, strolling over to join their group. “I brought Imogen as you asked.”

Imogen?Why did the queen want her here?

The queen’s lips pressed into a thin line, but she nodded to Imogen, who curtsied in response.

“Your Majesty. Thank you for including me.” Imogen fluttered her lashes in his direction. “Hello, Jameson.”

“Imogen,” he said, inclining his head. “Madame Prime Minister, please allow me to introduce Lady Imogen Harrington.”
