Page 119 of The Duchess Effect

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“Oh, it is. But I was referring to the freshness they bring to the institution. The younger generation has really taken to Jameson and Duchess. You’ve expressed your concerns about the future of the Commonwealth and your country’s place in it. I assure you things are changing, but you can only take advantage of it if you remain in and help us do the work.”

The import of the queen’s words, all of it, suddenly dawned on Jameson. The insistence on Dani’s participation, this makeover... it had been about more than ensuring Dani fit in. His grandmother was the grandmaster of this chess match; she’d grown up playing it. And now, finally, he understood her end game.

And how he and Dani had played their parts.

Fury burned through him, torching any last vestiges of familial loyalty. It would always be something. Some reason why she’d need him. Why duty to the family would be more important than his personal happiness. But to bring Dani into it? To get her to change who she was; to use her and put her on display solely to serve her own agenda?

He was fucking done. He’d meet with Catherine to guarantee she’d do what she promised and protect his mother’s position in this family and then the hell with them. As long as he had Dani, he could function anywhere. Get a position lecturing in the States, research and write a book. They could even take time off and travel. The only thing that mattered was that he and Dani get away from the queen and her influence over his life.

The prime minister shook her head. “I’m afraid it’s too late. We’velingered out of a sense of familiarity, not devotion. You mention looking to the future, and we have. We don’t want to be governed by your son. How can we expect him to treat us with care when he can’t manage to put his own family above his baser instincts?”

The room fell into a shocked silence so quiet one could hear the centuries-old palace foundation settling. Had the prime minister called out the Prince of Wales? It was his grandmother’s greatest fear come to life.

Maybe he’d been too quick to declare his grandmother the victor.

“I am also disappointed in my son, but I’ve always maintained no one person is bigger than this institution.” Marina cleared her throat and forced a laugh. “And this is a bit premature. I plan to rule for many years to come.”

“With all due respect, ma’am, we can’t wait that long. We are not willing to accept the idea of Britain as a mother country when you have no significant cultural tie to us. The ongoing role of the monarchy in St. Lucia cuts into our dignity as citizens.”

Jameson exchanged startled glances with Catherine and Bettina. He’d never heard anyone speak to the queen in that manner before.

Except Dani.

“It seems I’ve been tried, adjudicated, and executed before I even knew the charges,” Marina said, lines bracketing her mouth.

“That wasn’t my intention and certainly not in this forum. But recent developments supported our decision. The bombing of children of color is a significant event and this country’s refusal to highlight it and call it what it is epitomizes why we’re ready to hold a referendum to gauge the mood of removing you as our head of state. How can you reconcile your role as queen of the U.K.andof St. Lucia? In that contest, it’s clear the side you chose.” The primeminister issued Dani a visual apology. “And trotting out your progressive grandson and his charming Black girlfriend doesn’t change that.”

Audible gasps greeted this statement.

Had this been part of Dani’s conversation with the prime minister? Had she known? If so, his grandmother would never forgive her. Jameson placed a hand on Dani’s lower back, letting her know he was here and he would always be on her side.

The queen shook with barely restrained anger. “I see. I assume you’ll keep these thoughts to yourself?”

“If you’re asking if I plan to share our decision with the guests this evening, the answer is no. I have an ordinary speech prepared. But eventually we’ll make an announcement.”

“We’ll deal with that when the time comes.” Marina acknowledged the footman’s signal. “Right now we’re going to line up and process into this banquet that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has spent a year planning.”

Everyone in her orbit shuffled awkwardly about, as if throwing off the stasis of the previous ten minutes. The aides began arranging them in the correct order.

“Her Majesty and Madame Prime Minister first, followed by His Royal Highness, Prince Jameson, and Mr. Auguste...”

Public displays be damned. He took Dani’s hand and cupped her cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she said, although her chin trembled. “Go.”

He kissed her, their lips lingering before he took his place next to the prime minister’s husband. But Jameson vowed that after the banquet was over, they were going to find someplace private and talk.

“And finally, Her Royal Highness, Princess Bettina, and Duchess.”


His head whipped around. “Dani?”

She tilted her head, her brows gathered inward. “I’m so sorry, Jay. I know what this means to you and your mother, but I can’t.”

“You very well can,” the queen declared, a crack in her vaunted composure. “I have no doubt this is partly your fault. You will help us fix it!”

“Dani isn’t to blame for this,” he said, not willing to stand by and watch her be attacked.
