Page 136 of The Duchess Effect

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His head descended but Dani dodged his kiss, a thought occurring to her. She didn’t want him to think her ungrateful, but—

“This isn’t from the family vault, is it? I don’t want to be wearing the Queen Mother’s blood rubies or anything like that.”

He laughed so hard it became soundless, his body quaking with amusement. He wasn’t offended. He got exactly who she was. And he loved her.

“They’re ethically sourced. And paid for from my own bank account.”

“Then it’s perfect,” she concluded, accepting his kiss. “Oh, and Jay?”


Dani bit her lip. “We’re having a meeting next week. Bennie, Tasha, people from the music label, Andrea from Mela-Skin, everyone. And I’d like you to be there.”

He smiled. The one that carved crinkles at the corners of his eyes and arrowed its way to her heart. And lower.

“Means a lot to me,” he said, before nipping at her bottom lip.

Probably to remind her that was his job.

It would be. Always.

“I love you, Dani.”

“I love you, Jay.”

And they proceeded to show each other exactly how much.


Unidentified Male:Live from BBC Studios in London this isThis Morning in Britainwith Kelly Gibson and John Hayes.

Kelly Gibson, co-host:In a shocking move, Buckingham Palace has just announced that Prince Julian has chosen to surrender his and his children’s positions in the line of succession. He will no longer be the Prince of Wales. Catherine, formerly the Princess Royal, has taken his place. Are you shocked?

John Hayes, co-host:I really am. It’s unprecedented. There hasn’t been a surrendering or abdication in the more than one thousand years of the monarchy.

Gibson:Could he do anything else? Once tests confirmed Samantha Banks was indeed pregnant and Prince Julian was the father, he couldn’t be allowed to ascend to the throne.

Hayes:Not when, as king, he would be the titular head of the Church of England.

Gibson:Recent poll numbers have been very interesting. A majority of the people polled, fifty-nine percent, believe the prince has made the right decision, while a small amount, only twenty-two percent, thought he should stay. What’s even moreinteresting are the numbers on the viability of the monarchy, which breaks down among age lines. Eighty-four percent of Britons aged sixty-five and older say Britain should continue to have a monarchy, while a whopping sixty-seven percent of people aged eighteen to twenty-four believe it’s time for the institution to end.

Hayes:And it’s clear who our new Princess of Wales may be listening to. In her statement she said she’s honored to serve the Welsh people but hints that the monarchy of the past may not be required in the future.

Gibson:Our royal correspondent, Felicia Thorp, has more on the ever-dwindling royal family.

Felicia Thorp:Thanks, Kelly. It’s been an interesting month for the royals, today’s announcement coming on the heels of the engagement of Prince Jameson and American rapper Duchess,andtheir decision to step back from senior royal duties and live away from the royal spotlight. Prince Jameson also announced his decision to devote himself full-time to running his grandfather’s charitable trust and administering the JFL Prize in his honor. Meanwhile Duchess will have her hands full. You may recall last week we reported the demand for Duchess’s Bow Down World Tour broke the ticket sales company’s website.

We asked Britons outside of Buckingham Palace to share their feelings about the engagement between Prince Jameson and Duchess.

Spectator 1:Ahh, I love them together. He’s so fit and she’s gorgeous and a lovely person.

Spectator 2[face blurred]:In my day, she’d be his mistress, not his wife! [laughs awkwardly]

Spectator 3:Isn’t there another one? Bettina? What does she do besides show her tits?

Spectator 4:I don’t exactly know what the royals do, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Spectator 5:Whether they’re here or not, or step back from royal duties or not, Duchess will still be a princess, yeah?
