Page 42 of The Duchess Effect

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A visitor? He shook his head, trying to clear the fog. Who in the fuck would be visiting him here at this time of night? Not Rhys. Could it be his mother? Possibly, but she wouldn’t be announced, she’d just stroll in.

Which was why it was probably best that he not jerk off in the drawing room.

“I have to go, love.”

“Awwww... I guess we’ll have to wait then. Give my best to Calanthe and I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

She blew him a kiss and ended the call.

He exhaled, tossed his phone down on the desk, then called out, “Come in.”

His butler, Townsend, entered. “Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal.”

Jameson’s head jerked back. His aunt was here? What would warrant visits with both his aunt and the queen in the same day? There might be something to Dani’s grandmother’s saying about rains and monsoons.

Doing his best to surreptitiously adjust himself, he stood as Catherine appeared, serenely majestic in a violet blue dress and matching cardigan, her hair loosely pulled back from her face.

He executed a crisp bow. “Catherine.”

“That isn’t necessary,” she said.

“Try telling your mother that. Or mine.”

“Fair point. Do you fancy a chat?”

“Of course.”

He gestured, then followed her over to the rarely used seating area. The room was lavishly decorated in tones of green, gold, and cream. Gilt-framed mirrors and oil paintings graced the light-colored walls and thick carpet muffled their steps. Jameson couldn’t take credit for the decor. His mother had spearheaded the renovations of the apartment that had once belonged to his father.

He waited until Catherine was settled on the forest green sofa before he sat on the matching green and gold armchair across from her.

She placed her purse on the wooden antique table between them. “How is Duchess?”

Shocked, he raised a brow.

“What’s that look?”

“Just surprised that you asked,” he said.

“Of course, I was stunned when you invited her to perform,” Catherine began, “and I’ll admit, because I judged her, I wasn’t keen on spending any time getting to know her. But I admired how she stood up for herself in some very intimidating company. And you love her so she must be special.”

“She is. And she’s doing well.”

Catherine nodded. “What you did was really brave. I’ve never seen anyone stand up to the queen in quite that manner.”

“What about Julian? He rarely does what she wants.”

Catherine’s gaze flicked upward. “He’s like a naughty toddler, misbehaving behind our mother’s back. But you declared your intention to her and followed through. It was... impressive.”

He smiled but eyed her steadily. Catherine had inherited hermother’s steely resolve, her father’s compassion, and both parents’ intelligence. Had she been born first, she would’ve made a fantastic queen.

Those same traits also made underestimating her extremely dangerous. This visit and her complimentary words weren’t as unstudied as she’d wanted them to appear.

“I’m going to be blunt—”

When had she been anything but?

“—We’re in a bind here and we need you. Full-time.”
