Page 81 of The Duchess Effect

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“I’ve never seen anything like that. Especially the ending. It was... wow. If that’s juju, I’ll take it over pure skill any day.” Oliver cleared his throat. “Dani, do you think you can teach Mary to play spades?”

Dani laughed. “Of course. I forgot to mention that side effect. Spades can be sexy as hell.”

“Hetty will be joining those lessons, if you don’t mind.”

Dani patted Rhys’s arm. “Don’t worry. Nyla knows how to play. We’ve hosted a couple of Black Hollywood tournaments over the years.”

Dani and Nyla playing spades? The drinks, the trash talking, the intensity?

Jameson refused to let himself travel down that mental road and he glared at Rhys when it looked like the other man was going to forge ahead, ignoring the caution signs.

Jasper stood. “And with that, I’m going to shoot off.”

“Hold on,” Dani said. “Margery mentioned having some snacks for you to take back to Hetty.”

“Excellent,” he said, rubbing his hands together.

“You can call and have someone bring that for you,” Jameson said.

Her nostrils flared. “I’m perfectly capable of walking to the kitchen, Jay.”

It wasn’t the first time she’d expressed her annoyance when he’d suggested she delegate certain tasks to the house staff. He knew she was independent, and he loved that about her. But some of the housemaids believed she didn’t trust them to do their jobs.

After she’d left the room, Jasper said, “You’re one lucky bastard. She’s bloody cool.”

“Mary really liked her. After the party last week, she couldn’t stop talking about how down-to-earth Dani was,” Oliver added.

“And it’s nice to see you happy. She’s good for you.”

It meant a lot to him that these men, whom he held in high esteem, appeared to support his feelings for Dani and their relationship. Not that he sought their approval or would be swayed by their withholding of it. But he was pleased, knowing they endorsed his choice.

“Thank you.” He pushed from the table. “Come on. I’ll walk you out.”

Dani met them in the foyer and handed Jasper a parcel. “Margery said you can freeze any extras for up to three months.”

“I doubt that’ll happen but I’m much obliged.” He kissed her cheek and saluted Jameson. “See you in a bit.”

Oliver and Rhys followed, hugging Dani and shaking Jameson’s hand, their “Cheers” and “Later” almost lost as his butler closed the great door behind them.

“Thank you, Ellis.”

“Of course, sir.” Ellis bobbed his head and headed to the back of the house.

Jameson was suddenly struck by the simple domesticity of the evening’s ending. The two of them seeing their guests to the door, as if they’d hosted an event together. Would that be in their future? Would Primrose Park come alive again the way it had, for a brief period, when he’d been younger?

He could see it. If he could only dislodge the splinter of uneasiness lodged in his mind from her demeanor during the game...

“I didn’t say this last time, but your friends are great. Thanks for letting me crash poker night. I had fun.” She frowned. “You okay?”

He blinked. “Yes, of course. Why would you ask?”

“Because you’re looking at me as if you don’t know me. Tell me, Jay, are you the type of guy who has feelings about losing to a woman?”

She tossed her head, her tone defiant, her countenance harsh. This was the Duchess everyone else saw, the one who had to fight for everything she had.

Jameson didn’t care that he’d lost acardgame. He’d actually found her competitiveness attractive. But there was competitive and there was a need to win. And he’d been privy to that kind ofneed, had been burned by it in his dealings with the queen, who was willing to do anything and sacrifice anyone to achieve her goals.

There had been a moment when he’d glanced at Dani and he’d recognized that cutthroat look in her eyes. Victory at all cost and damn everything else. Yes, it was only a game, but that’s why it had been so jarring, and he couldn’t shake the chill that skimmed his spine as he wondered how far she would be willing to go to come out on top.
