Page 89 of The Duchess Effect

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“I’d already spelled most of this out and I hate repeating myself. So, if I ever request you to do another event with me, read the bloody dossier!”

Chapter Seventeen

“Who does she think she is? She’s a rapper, and a mediocre one at that. As Prince Jameson’s girlfriend, for the time being, she needs to stick to looking pretty and keep her big nose out of our business.”

Vivian Fender,Good Morning, London

The mostly cloudy sky hid much of the sun but it didn’t take away from the loveliness of the Primrose Park scenery. Rolling green hills and manicured lawns caressed the eyes, for as far as one could see.

“This really is beautiful,” Dani said, squeezing Jameson’s hand as they strolled along an asphalt path on the enormous seven-hundred-acre estate. “You know, Nyla would love this.”


Dani pictured her best friend and couldn’t help laughing. “She’s definitely an outdoor person. All I think about are allergies and bugs but she’ll drop everything and hike Runyon Canyon at a moment’s notice if the mood strikes.”

He stopped midstride. “You have allergies?”

“I took a pill,” she said, tugging him forward. “I’m good.”

He nodded. “You sound wistful. Do you miss her?”

“I do. I haven’t seen her since the premiere. We text but it’s notthe same. As you well know. But we’re both busy. We’ll catch up when we can.”

“Speaking of catching up, I’m glad you agreed to come on a walk with me. Getting some fresh air can help elevate your mood,” he said, a slight smile curving his lips.

“It’s working,” she conceded, “but I’ll admit to much side-eye about the walk part. I was waiting for you to grab your gray cardigan and say it was time for our daily constitutional.”

“Pardon?Wheredo you see a cardigan?”

He’d been making an effort to incorporate some of the pieces they’d purchased from Corey into his wardrobe. Today he wore army green cargo pants and a fitted white T-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and slim torso. Her mouth literally watered.

And he was all hers.

“Okay, sir. What I see is you, feeling yourself,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“I know you like when I do that,” he said, pulling her close and giving her a brief kiss. “But don’t get too excited. I can’t guarantee it’ll be another thirty years before you see me in a cardigan.”

“Thirty years? Now you’re gettingaheadof yourself.”

“Am I?” He shrugged. “Maybe. I’m constantly thinking of our future together.”

“And what do you see? In our future?”

“I haven’t fully worked it out. All I know is whatever it holds, you’re in it.”

She wanted to believe him, but she had to admit she’d been shaken by yesterday’s event at the children’s hospital. And the country’s reaction to it.

“I love you and I want to be with you, too, but—”

He wrinkled his forehead. “I don’t like how that sounds.”

“No, no.” She waved a hand. “I’m just thinking about what happened with Catherine.”

“I wish I’d known she was going to ask you to do that event. Or that you’d told me about it before you agreed,” he said, his voice quaking with resentment. “Doing them without me wasn’t part of the agreement.”

Dani pursed her lips. “I’m a grown woman, Jay. I don’t need your input or permission to decide how to spend my time.”
