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He brings his other hand to my waist and pulls my soft body flush against his hard one. My hands leave the spot against my car, where they had lain limply, and glide up Ian’s chest, clutching his T-shirt and pulling him closer to me.

A car horn blares and a middle-aged woman yells out her window for us to get a room. Burying my face in Ian’s chest, my laugh is muffled against his shirt. “Pretty sure my face is as red as a tomato right now,” I tell him.

Wrapping his arms around my shoulders, Ian pulls me closer to him and kisses the top of my head. “Got a little carried away there.”

I nod in agreement. Pulling back, I look up at him. “That sure was some kiss.”

He smiles and bends down to softly kiss my lips but pulls back after just a second. “I have to get to my professor’s office for a meeting. I’ll text you later?”

Smiling, I nod again and reach up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He grips my waist before backing away and heading toward his car at the front of the restaurant. I stand there smiling as I touch my fingertips to my lips. They still feel tingly from Ian’s kiss.

“Guess I don’t need to ask if you’re dating him this time,” a familiar voice states from somewhere around me. Turning my head toward the front of my car, a clearly fuming Conrad is leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed.

Squaring my shoulders, I prepare myself for a fight. “What are you doing here, Conrad?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “Was in the mood for some brunch. Didn’t know I’d be getting a meal and a show while I was here.”

If he thinks shaming me for kissing the guy I have been on a few dates with will hurt me, he couldn’t be more wrong. “Hope you enjoyed it.”

Turning, I unlock my car and open the door. Not even five seconds later, a large hand smacks against my window and pushes the door closed. His body cages me in as he brings his other hand up to rest against my car on the other side of my head.

Hot breath glides across my neck as Conrad leans in to whisper in my ear, “You happier with him, baby? Don’t need me anymore?” My body shivers and he notices. “Ah, seems maybe you do still need me. He make your body feel this way, Em?”

“Fuck you, Conrad.” My tone is harsh as I spit the words out through clenched teeth.

He laughs, and that deep tone does something to me. “You already have, baby.”

Whipping around, I come face-to-face with him. This close, I notice that his usually clean-shaven face is scruffy from days of not shaving, and his hair, which he always made a point to flawlessly style, is more disheveled. While he looks like the Conrad I know and love, there is something…different about him. There is a hint of dark circles under his eyes, and I reach up, lightly tracing them with the tips of my fingers.

“What’s going on, Conrad?” I whisper. “You’ve never been cruel like this before, and you look as if you haven’t slept in days.”

Something changes in his face. Before, his eyes were hard and his lips tight, but he softens at my words. He leans forward, resting his forehead against mine. “I can’t fucking do this anymore, Em.”

Already knowing the answer, I ask anyway, “Do what?”

“Stay away from you,” he admits just before crashing his lips against mine in a kiss that steals my breath.

Conrad’s arms that are caging me into my car move to grip my face, his thumbs going beneath my chin to tilt my head up. His hands are warm from resting on the car and the calluses he has gotten over years of lifting weights in the gym are rough against my skin. Something that I love about Conrad is his coarse hands. While he is always put together and not a hair is out of place, his hands are a different story. An imperfection in an otherwise perfect man.

The smell of sandalwood and leather invades my senses as Conrad fights with my mouth in a ruthless kiss. His tongue battles its way through my lips, and the moment the taste of coffee and mint enters, my head spins. Conrad’s familiar scent and taste cause a moan to escape from me, and he moves one of his hands to the side of my neck, holding me in a tight grip.

Kissing Conrad feels completely different than my kiss with Ian. Not only because Conrad knows my body better than anyone, but my feelings for him make every touch, every kiss more meaningful. Kissing someone you love involves not only your body but also your heart. Conrad owns that organ, and I’m afraid he will never give it back.

Pulling back, I try to catch my breath. Breaking our connection doesn’t stop him, though. Conrad moves his lips to my jaw and then my neck, sucking a trail as he descends. My hands move to his neck and then up, running through the strands of his thick hair. Conrad’s hot mouth is nipping and trailing kisses along my neck, jaw, and collarbone, and the sensation is making my head foggy. Each time his mouth makes contact with my skin, it feels as though he is leaving a burn behind.

Struggling to stand up straight, I muster up the strength to push Conrad away at the shoulders, though my body wants nothing more than to pull him closer to me. My efforts to get him off go unnoticed as Conrad’s grip on my neck tightens and he brings his lips back up to mine, cutting off the words I was getting ready to let out. His mouth is ruthless against mine as he takes what he wants, and this kiss is different than the first. More forceful. Angry. He bites my bottom lip, and I squeak in surprise.

Turning my head to the side, I gasp for breath. “Conrad, stop.” His lips don’t leave me as he fights to get my mouth back to his. “I saidstop.” My tone is more forceful and he notices this time.

Conrad pulls his head away from me but keeps his body close. “What? What’s wrong?”

Staring at him, I’m trying to gauge if he is serious or playing dumb. “What’s wrong? You’re really asking me that?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? We were having a hell of a kiss, baby. Figured we could go back to your place.”

My nostrils flare. “So I’m good enough to fuck but not good enough to tell your family about?”

He blows out a frustrated breath and takes a step away from me. “You know that’s not what this is about.”

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