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The realization that I almost lost her has hit me hard these last couple days because the time without her in my life, when she probably hated me, was miserable. Not only because I had to spend my free time with Liliana but also because losing the person you love is a special kind of hell. One where your chest constantly aches and you feel off balance like a piece of you is missing.

Emree was the missing puzzle piece and since coming back to her, I feel whole again.

The air changes as we reach the coast. It becomes cooler and smells fresher. With Mateo working out here the last couple summers, he knows all the secret parking lot spots that are less crowded. I follow the flow of traffic on Gulf Blvd until I see the small, one-way street that leads to a tucked-away parking lot. Not only is it unknown to many, but it is free, unlike most of the parking areas around here.

I pull into a spot and put the car in park. Emree looks over at me with her brows pinched together. “If you were planning a beach afternoon, it would have been nice to know. I could have packed a bathing suit.”

Shrugging, I turn the car off. “Was kind of last minute. Plus, I brought you here for a picnic. We’ll come back the next weekend you have off because seeing you in a tiny bikini all day is at the top of my best days list.”

She blushes at my honesty and hides her face from me.

“You remembered me telling you I’ve always wanted a picnic date?” she whispers.

Gripping her chin between my finger and thumb, I lift her face so I can look into those clear blue eyes. “Yeah, baby. And this date is long overdue. I’m sorry about that.”

She smiles. “It doesn’t matter how long it took. All I care about is that you got there.”

While I don’t deserve her heart or her forgiveness, I’m claiming both and not letting go.

We exit the car and as I open the trunk, Emree laughs at the amount of junk food. “I thought I was dating an athlete.”

Smirking, I address the words she chose to use. “Dating, huh?”

Emree rolls her eyes and grabs the picnic blanket. “We can officially move on to dating status. I think you’ve earned that, at least. We’ll discuss an official title later.”

With an armful of grocery bags, I shut the trunk and we walk toward the beach. “You won’t be able to resist me, baby.”

While she would usually laugh at my overconfidence, Emree gives me a sober look. “I’m beginning to see that I truly can’t.”

This area of the beach is fairly deserted. There are a few people walking along the shore and some families set up with every single item you could need for the beach. There are stragglers swimming in the ocean and a volleyball game going on at one of the three nets set up far from the shore. This time of year is perfect for the beach because it’s not as sweltering as in the summer, but the water is warm enough to swim in.

We find a spot far enough away from other groups but with a clear view of the ocean. I’m hoping Em will want to stay out here long enough to watch the sunset because holding her in my arms as daylight fades away sounds like the perfect end to the night.

“I can’t believe you got all my favorites. Or that you even remembered.” Emree smiles as she unloads the chips, candies, drinks, and sandwiches from the bags. I made sure to grab those spicy red candies she likes so much and Pringles, which are basically a food group for her by how much she eats them.

We fall into a comfortable silence as we enjoy our lunch and absorb the fresh air and cloudy sun. As Emree eats her sandwich, she stops every few minutes to close her eyes and enjoy the breeze.

There is something I have been wanting to ask her the last couple days, and I feel now is the perfect time. “Are you working next Saturday night?”

Emree turns to me with a mouthful of turkey sandwich. She shakes her head in response since I asked her at the most inconvenient time.

“We have the end-of-year sports banquet. How do you feel about being my date?”

Her eyes widen, and a smile graces her face. “To a banquet? Hell yeah. Is there a dress code, or can I make my own dress?”

Knowing Emree can create the most beautiful and sexiest outfit, I try to hide the grin on my face from her. “Baby, I don’t give a shit what the dress code is. Whatever you wear is going to look hotter than hell. But the invitation does say it is cocktail themed.”

Her lips glide up. “I have just the material to make the perfect outfit.”

Leaning in close, I brush my lips along the shell of her ear. “You going to tell me about this dress?”

Despite the heat, Emree shivers. “Nope, I’m keeping it a surprise.”

Groaning, I lie back on the blanket. “Ugh, you and your surprise outfits. That Halloween one nearly killed me, woman.” Last Halloween, Emree decided to make hers and Blaire’s costumes for our party. She ended up making some sexy, low-cut jerseys with Camden’s and my numbers and names on them. Emree paired her top with some short shorts that had her ass hanging out. It took everything in me not to haul her off to my room the moment she got there.

With a sexy smirk, Emree comes down on top of me so we are face to face. “Don’t worry. I promise you are going to love it.” She drops her lips to mine, and I run my hand through her hair, deepening our kiss and earning a moan out of her.

Next Saturday can’t come soon enough. Not because our team did incredible this year and they will be singing our praises at the banquet, but because the most beautiful woman in the room will be on my arm.
