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Reaching for her, because I can’t go another second without touching her, I pull Emree so that she is plastered against my front. “I fucking love,” I mumble against her throat as I inhale her vanilla scent and plant a kiss below her ear.

She giggles, probably from the feeling of the beard I have been growing out. Pulling back, Emree takes in my appearance. She flattens her hand against my black tie. “You clean up pretty well, Dugray.”

I kept it traditional with a white button-down shirt, black tie, and black slacks.

Blaire and Camden come up to us, and I would be lying if I didn’t say I completely forgot they were here. Blaire, who isn’t one to enjoy bright colors like Emree does, is wearing a tight black dress that hits above her knees and has some crisscross design on the bust. Her long, dark hair is pulled up, with a few pieces framing her face.

“You done groping my friend so we can leave?” Blaire’s tone is light and paired with a smile as she looks between the two of us.

“I don’t know about him, but I’m ready to ride in a limo for the first time.” Emree jumps with excitement and starts bouncing down the hallway to the elevator, giving me a perfect view of the back of the dress.

I start charging after her. “Em, what the hell? There’s no back.” I’m definitely going to struggle all night.

* * *

The alumnireally went all out this year. They moved the banquet from its usual spot at a high-end Italian restaurant downtown. The location change came last week when Coach told us there was a large last-minute donation that afforded the additional spending.

While the event is at my family’s hotel, I try not to think about it. It’s not like the entire staff here knows who I am or that my father is going to walk through the door, ready to kick his disowned son out. Coach knows I’m a Dugray and the son of the billionaire family, but no one else associated with the team does, except my roommates now. I have been able to keep my family’s identity under wraps since starting school here. It helps that the majority of college kids don’t give a shit about rich people or corporate America.

The banquet hall where our event is being held is large and littered with well-dressed people. There is a scattering of tables that are clearly designated by team, with specific sports equipment in the center. By the stage, there are five large tables with soccer balls as the centerpiece and tableware. The decorations filling the room are a variety of silver and gold, making the room look as if we’re attending an upscale wedding and not a college banquet.

“Looks like this table is empty. Let’s snag it,” Jules states, dragging Mateo that way. We follow, knowing finding a table that can fit the eight of us might be a struggle.

We all take a seat while a waiter comes up to our table to take drink orders. He moves to the next table to collect their orders before disappearing behind a curtain to what I assume is the kitchen. Looking around, I take in the scene around me. Everyone is dressed in their best, and seeing our coaches without their ball caps and athletic shorts will always be surprising to me. Especially Coach Walters, who looks more uncomfortable than Levi does in his slacks, matching jacket, and button-down shirt. He’s opted out of a tie, though.

Emree wraps her arm around mine and leans in close. “Do you want to dance?”

On the dance floor in front of the stage, I see a few people moving to the music, but it is nowhere near filled. “Sure, baby.” Standing, I grab her hand and lead her as we weave between the tables.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I marvel at the feel of her warm skin against my hands. Emree’s dress is completely backless, with a few thin straps crossing at the back to keep it secured against her body.

With her body against mine and her arms wrapped around my neck, we sway to the music at a lazy pace. Having Emree here as my date, knowing that if I hadn’t gotten my head out of my ass and stood up to my father, it would have been Liliana, makes me smile. She is by far the most beautiful woman in the room and having her by my side feels right.

Liliana wasn’t happy when I told her the arrangement with my father was off, but after a mini blowup in her hotel room, she packed her things and promptly left and went back to Boston. A woman like her will have no trouble finding a rich man like she has wanted and I wish her nothing but success.

“How do you feel being here?” she asks me, her eyebrows pinched together in worry. She doesn’t have to ask specifics, but I know she means being here at my father’s hotel.

“I feel okay. Weird because the last time I was here was to meet Liliana, and that feels like a lifetime ago.”

Her lips point down at the mention of the woman who was meant to be my future wife.

“Hey, I’m sorry. She shouldn’t be brought up, but I can assure you she is a blip in my life. You consume my world, baby, and she doesn’t hold a flame to you.”

Her eyes become glossy. “Don’t go saying sweet things like that, Conrad. You’re trying to steal my heart or something.”

Smiling, I kiss her on the lips. “Baby, call me a thief because I’m coming after everything that involves you, including that heart,” I say against her mouth.

She sobers. “Just promise not to break it again.”

“I promise, baby. I’ve lost you before and it is not something I ever want to go through again. You’re meant to be in my life, Em, and I feel that in my heart.”

Emree studies me for a moment, her lips tight and brows angled down. She runs her fingers through my hair and smiles. “Then you have it, Conrad.”

Cupping her cheek, I bring her mouth to mine in a hard kiss and smile against her. “I promise you won’t regret giving it to me.” Pulling back, I look Emree in the eyes. “I love you, baby. More than you know.”

With sparkling blue eyes and a smile that can make any man fall to their knees, Emree looks back at me. “I love you. So much.”

We sway to the music, getting so lost in each other that I almost forget where we are and my only thought is getting my gorgeous girl home. Everything feels right now. I’m out from under my father’s thumb, the school year is coming to a close with a championship under our belts, and I got the girl of my dreams. Even though all is not right with my family, it doesn’t feel like a huge loss like it would to most people with a normal family relationship, but the only person I happily keep in regular contact with is my little sister, Alice. She has a good head on her shoulders and doesn’t fall into my father’s manipulation like her twin, Archer.
