Page 99 of Inescapable Love

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“Where were you? It shouldn’t have taken you that long to get here from your house.”

“I fell asleep at Natalie’s last night. It took me a while to fall asleep, so I didn’t hear it the first time you called.”

Dad gave me a look. “I’d lecture you on your priorities—”

“I know I’ve been distracted lately. It’s my fault.”

“I’m just worried about you. Things good with Natalie?”

“She’s so busy with the opening of the B&B, I haven’t seen her much. I’m not sure where we stand.”

“What are you going to do?” Dad crossed his arms.

“I think we need to talk. I was waiting for the opening to be over and for things to slow down.”

Dad dipped his chin. “A new business is stressful. Things might not slow down for a while.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. She won’t ask for help. At least not from me.”

“She’s trying to do too much.” Dad was speaking from a place of experience.

“I agree, but she won’t listen to reason. She said she can’t afford to hire anyone.”

Dad shook his head. “The way I see it, she needs to run the numbers and make it work. She can’t do the cleaning. That could take hours out of her day.”

“And Delaney is home by four. I know she wants to spend time with her.”

“Talk to her. See if she’ll consider other options. Otherwise, she’s going to burn out. She won’t be able to be a good hostess if she’s cleaning toilets when a guest needs something.”

I chuckled without any humor. “I agree.”

“But at the end of the day, it’s her business. She can run it the way she wants to.”

“Even if she runs herself into the ground?”

“Even then. You might have to let her go if she’s not focused on your relationship.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” In the past, women had always walked away from me. Natalie hadn’t done that, but she’d distanced herself. I was afraid to ask why.

“I’d talk to her. Get things settled.”

“I will.”

“You love her, don’t you?”

I nodded, feeling miserable. I’d let myself fall for her when I wasn’t sure if she felt the same.

“Lay it all on the line. Let her know how you feel and what your boundaries are. If you want more time, ask for it. If she says no, then you have your answer. No more wondering.”

“I wish it were easier.”

“Women don’t always tell us what they want or what they’re thinking, and we’re left wondering. It’s always best to be direct with them.”

“I will.” Maybe that was the issue with my past relationships. I hadn’t asked for what I wanted. I just assumed they knew how I felt. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

“Let’s finish this up and let the owner know what’s going on.”

I hated telling the owners when there was an unexpected delay, but it was part of the job. Maybe Natalie would come over tonight and we could have that talk. I felt light-headed thinking I might have the answer, but it might not be what I wanted to hear.
