Page 44 of Absolution

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“After the incident at Bridget’s clothing store last week, I knew something was wrong with you. Something more than just fear. I did a ton of research on the internet, and talked to all our mutual friends,” I paused. “Including Madeline.”

“So much for patient confidentiality,” Gina scoffed.

“She didn’t break your trust, I swear. I told her about the changes I’d seen in you over the last couple weeks, but she didn’t tell me a single thing. The only thing she did was say sorry, she couldn’t talk about you or your care.”

“She didn’t have to tell you anything. The minute she got off the phone with you, she called Sonia. I have no doubt.”

“It was only because she cares.”

“I know, but it doesn’t change anything. Did you tell Bridget?”

“About the pills? No. It isn’t my place.”

“I’m going to have to make amends.”

“Most likely.”

“I should probably do that before the nightmare begins.”

Reaching out, I clasped her hand. “Whatever you choose to do, I’m behind you.”

Our eyes locked and neither of us looked away. “Thank you.”

“So, how does this whole detox thing work?”

“Well, it starts with the cravings. Then begging. I’ll try to negotiate with you to give me more pills. Something to take the edge off. I can’t quit cold turkey. Seizures. I’ll most likely be a raging bitch. I’m going to curse you and everyone you ever came in contact with. I’ll scream a lot. Cry a lot. Probably puke a lot. I’m going to wish I was dead.”

Jesus, I couldn’t even imagine. The one thing I knew was that the Dominant inside me wanted to care for and protect Gina from every hurt I knew was coming her way. I needed to prepare myself.

“You’re going to fight this and you’re going to win.”

“Let’s hope you’re right. If we go too fast weaning me down, and I have a seizure, please don’t take me to the hospital. Please. I want you to call my friend, Livvie. She’s a nurse.”

“I’ll do my best. That’s all I can promise.”

She wasn’t happy with my answer. “I guess that’s all I can ask.”

Twenty-four hours later, the shakes started, even with the slight reduction in dosage.

“It’s only going t-t-to get w-worse,” her teeth chattered a bit.

Gina lay curled on her side with the blanket pulled to her chin, her entire body trembling.

“I wish I could take away all your pain.” I truly did.

I’d seen my brothers in arms killed in combat, but even that didn’t compare to the pain I felt watching her go through this.

“F-f-fuck I’m cold.”

“Let me get another blanket.” I rose to go to her linen closet when she stopped me.

“I h-hope it helps.”

“Well, if a blanket won’t get you warmer, we’ll see if I can.”

Without waiting, I crawled under the covers behind her and pulled her shivering body against mine. I knew how cold Gina was because she didn’t resist.

“Thank you.”
