Page 54 of Absolution

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“All you cared about was Gina. You didn’t have eyes for anything else, even things going on right under your nose. Do you have any idea how many times I tried to come to you? To beg for your help? But, no, the two of you didn’t care about anyone else but yourselves.”

Dawning awareness came from Gideon’s tirade. It made me sick, and I felt a brief moment of sympathy for him, but what he’d done to Gina was unforgivable.

“So, what, because Gerald couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, you decided it’s okay to rape a teenage girl? For what? To make you feel powerful? Strong? Bullshit. You’re nothing a weak piece of shit who preyed on a little girl.”

Hatred poured from his narrowed eyes. Gina screamed behind me when he pulled a gun out from behind his back.

“Fuck you, Leo. I haven’t spent the last eight years behind bars because I was weak. Those losers bowed down to me.” Gideon slammed his fist against his chest. “Me. I showed each and every one of them inside that hellhole that you didn’t fuck with Gideon Townsend. Now, I’m going to show you.”

I’d mentally prepared for the bullet, but the excruciating pain ripped through me. I dropped to the ground in agony while screaming echoed loudly in my head. The pain took my breath away.

“Leo! No! Let go of me! Leo!” Gina roared my name.

I clutched my shoulder trying to staunch the blood flow and turned to see her struggling in his grasp. She broke his hold and got in a jab.

“You fucking bitch,” Gideon roared and returned her jab with a punch to the face. She crumpled to the ground. I tried to scramble to my feet only to get a solid kick to my face. I roared in pain and collapsed backward. Blood poured from my shoulder and nose now. Bile rose in my throat when agonizing pain shot through me when a boot met my ribs. Then I heard his raspy, guttural voice in my ear.

“She was mine first. I popped that sweet, succulent cherry. I want you to remember that. I had her long before you. And no matter what happens, neither one of you will ever forget it.”

I jerked my head up to meet his dead, cold eyes. Then all I saw was blackness.

Chapter 34


I came awakewith a blinding headache. Pain radiated across my face, and for a moment, I couldn’t remember what had happened. Then, like a lightning strike, it all came back to me. Gideon shooting Leo. Oh, God, Leo!

He couldn’t be dead.

When I tried to open my eyes, all I saw was darkness. I screamed behind the gag in my mouth. I tried to move my arms, but they were bound behind my back. I groaned in pain when I bounced and hit my head again. I realized I was in the trunk of a car that was slowing down. Once it was stopped, I laid there waiting, terrified, not knowing what was going to happen next.

My ears strained for further sound when I heard a car door shut. Barely there footsteps padded closer until the trunk suddenly popped open, and I squinted against the brightness. A shadow fell over me, and I opened my eyes to lock gazes with Gideon.

“Oh, good, you’re awake. Get out.”

When I didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed me by the arm. With my bicep still clutched in his talon-like grip, Gideon pulled me across a yard of overgrown grass. Rising in front of us was a log cabin. I tried to look around to see where we were, but I didn’t recognize anything.

Once inside, he shoved me onto the couch. I flinched when he reached toward me, but all he did was yank the gag out of my mouth. I tried not to let him see my fear, but I knew I couldn’t pull it off for long. This man was my nightmare come to life. He was everything I ever feared. All I saw when I looked at him was the monster who came to me at night. Not all monsters lived under the bed.

“Leo is going to kill you.”

Gideon only laughed. “I don’t think your precious Leo will be here to save you any time soon.”

“You don’t know him. He’ll come, and when he does, you’ll wish you were dead.”

I whimpered when he grabbed my face and started to squeeze. His breath was hot against my face when he leaned down nose to nose with me.

“When, and if, he comes, I’ll put another goddamn bullet in him.”

“Fuck you,” I choked out, the words barely intelligible.

He released me with a jerk. I drew back and spit in his face.

“You fucking cunt.”

He slapped me so hard I tasted blood. I licked it off my lips while he wiped the spittle from his face.

“The both of you were always so high and mighty. Now look at you. A former stripper who fucked a man to keep you supplied with drugs. Worthless.”
