Page 7 of Absolution

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“Fine by me. I know I’m still on probation, so wherever you need me, I’m available. Even if it is just babysitting some college kid.”

Connor smirked. “I told you it wouldn’t be full of danger and intrigue.”

“I had my fair share of both over in Afghanistan. I’m perfectly content with a low-profile case. I’m getting too old for espionage.”

He huffed. “You and me both.”

I wasn’t certain, but I guessed him to be a few years older than my own thirty-one. Still in our prime, but from what little I learned about Connor Black, we both had life experience that aged us.

“If there’s nothing else then, I should probably get back to my report.”

His frame loosened and he stood up. “Carry on.”

He’d just turned away when I stopped him. “Oh, one more thing. I’d like to find someone. A former foster brother I lived with right before I left for the Army.”

His stare bore into me like he was weighing my request. “Talk to Josephine. She should be able to help.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Connor merely nodded. Turning back to my desk, I quickly finished my report. It was clear things hadn’t been easy for Gina after I left. Since she wasn’t inclined to speak to me, maybe if I found Gideon I could get some answers. It was something I should have done a long time ago.

When all the letters I’d written to her had been returned unopened, I called the Waters’ house.


“Gideon? Hey, it’s Leo.”

“Well, if it isn’t the prodigal son, calling to check in,” he chuckled.

“Is Gina there? I was hoping to talk to her.”

There was such a long pause, I worried we’d been disconnected.

“I’m afraid not.”

Damn it. “Do you know where she is, or when she’ll be home?”

“No idea. She’s been hanging out with some new boy from school. Dylan. Dalton. Something like that. I can’t keep track. I do know they’ve been spending a lot of time together though.”

I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that. She was still a young girl despite how mature she acted.

“You’re looking out for her, aren’t you? Making sure she’s safe?”

“Oh, absolutely. I’m taking good care of her, just like you asked.”

“Thanks, G, I really appreciate it.”

“No problem at all.”

“Will you let her know I called?”

“You got it.”

I’d written, and called several more times, but I always got the same reply. Eventually I gave up, and then I’d been shipped out to Afghanistan. It hadn’t stopped me from worrying about her, but it was obvious they’d both moved on with their lives without me. Now, I wondered if there was something I’d been missing. It was time to find out.

Chapter 5

