Page 10 of Forever

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I glanced down at the woman I held in my arms and smiled. “Sorry. I was thinking.”

“Do you want to talk about it? I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”

She may be a good listener, but I wasn’t so sure I was a great talker. I didn’t want to freak her out by moving too fast. Especially if I was the only one feeling this intensity between us.

“I was just thinking about what a nice time I’m having. And,”—I paused for a beat, and then decided to take a risk—“how much I really like you.”

Livvie’s expression turned even more serious. “I’m kind of terrified to admit how much I like you too.”

I clasped her hand in mine and laid it on my chest, covering it with my own. “It scares me as well. I keep telling myself that we barely know each other. That we’re both young and having fun.”

“Eighteen may seem young, but I’m responsible for my age. I have no interest in the whole drinking and partying while at college. I know some people think it’s fun, which is fine. But that’s not me.”

“What are you interested in?” I was genuinely curious. She’d said frat parties weren’t her thing.

“I’m lucky to even be here. There’s no way I’m wasting the opportunity I’ve been given. I’ve worked too hard for it. Making something of myself is what I’m interested in.”

The wind kicked up a bit and Livvie’s hair blew across her face. I reached up and tucked it behind her ear, caressing her cheek. “If anyone can do it, it’s you. I believe in you.”

Her bottom lip quivered, and her eyes shimmered. I bent to brush my mouth across hers. I pulled back to stare down at her. She was beautiful in the moonlight.

“No one’s ever believed in me before.”

“Then they’re crazy. You’re focused, smart, and I can tell you’re someone who, once you put your mind to something, can accomplish anything. You’re going to do great things, Livvie.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “It’s been hard. I grew up in foster care. My dad was killed by the cops during a robbery. My mom is a druggie who’s in and out of jail for petty crimes. I want to be better than that. To make something of myself.”

“You will.” I kissed her forehead.

The tractor squealed to a halt. I glanced up to see we’d arrived back at the farm. One by one, peoplejumped off platform. I turned, and with my hands on Livvie’s waist, I helped her down. We stood still for several moments, still touching, staring into each other’s eyes.

“Excuse us. We’d like to get down,” a voice spoke from above our heads.

We looked up to see several people waiting. “Shit, I mean shoot, sorry.”

I grabbed Livvie’s hand and we moved away. She giggled at my side. I looked down and my laughter joined hers.

“Guess I got caught up in the moment.”

She shouldered bumped me, although it hit me more in the bicep. “I did too. Thank you for tonight. This has been the best date, maybe even the best night, ever.”

“Wow, it’s ranked up there with best nights, huh?” An inordinate amount of pride swelled inside.

Livvie nodded. “Pretty close.”

“Do you want to go grab a drink?” I wanted to prolong the time spent with her.

She sent me a sheepish grin. “I’m not old enough to drink, remember?”

“Oh. Yeah. I forgot.” I took a deep breath. “Would you—would you like to come over to my condo?”

She bit her lip in indecision. I tipped her chin up with my finger so she was looking at me. “We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable. I can take you back to the dorm, and if I’m lucky, you’ll go out on a second date with me after I ask. Because I’m going to ask.”

There was a short pause, and then Livvie nodded. “Okay.”

“Okay, you want me to take you back to the dorm?”

“No. I mean let’s go to your place.”
