Page 109 of Dangerous as Sin

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I raise a finger to Katya. “I’ll go see. Wait here.”

But outside, it couldn’t be less threatening. A man at the gate raises a wave. “Hey, you our new neighbour?” Weather-beaten, be-hatted, and wearing thick layers against the temperature plunge, he’s the image of the friendly local.

“That's right. Me and my wife.”

“I’m Ron.” A hand thrusts forward. “Great to meet you, Mr…?”


“Great to meet you, Mr Hickman. And your wife too…” He angles over my shoulder in an unsubtle bid to see inside.

“Katy,” I call. “Come meet your new neighbour.”

He beams as she comes out. “My Martha was thrilled when she saw you parked outside. This place has stood empty too long.” His eyes drop to Katya’s stomach, crinkling as he speaks. “Could do with some more kids around the place too.”

He swings an arm toward the next house along, maybe a quarter mile down the road. “That’s where I live. If you’d like to join us to eat this evening, you’d be very welcome. Martha serves up around six. Meanwhile, there anything you need while you’re getting yourselves turned around?”

“Yes, do you know where I can buy a load of logs? We’ve enough here for a day or two, but…”

“Not a problem.” He pats at pockets, then fishes out a scrap of paper and a stub of pencil. “This here’s the number for Gordon, about two miles down the road. He’ll deliver as much as you want. Get in plenty. Once the snow comes down, no one moves around here until March. Meanwhile, I’ll bring you some across in the station wagon to keep you going.”

“That’s very kind of you,” says Katya.

He beams. “My pleasure. So… you joining us this evening?”

I exchange a glance with my wife. She slips her hand into mine. “We’d love to.”

Hickman originally appeared as a side-character in the

Reader Voted #bestbook series “The Master’s Child”.

If you would like to know more about him and the rest of my cast of characters, Box Set One of ‘The Master’s Child’ is a FREE DOWNLOAD


Simone Leigh: Writer of Intelligent, Romantic Steamy Fiction.

Simone’s series, ‘The Master’s Child’, won the 2019 ‘Page Reaper’ Readers’ Choice Award in the BDSM & Ménage categories.

Part One of ‘The Master’s Child’, her steamy thriller, ‘Target’ (FREE Download), won the Reader Voted #BestBook Award in the ‘Inks and Scratches’ Summer Splash Book Awards.

Although English, Simone has lived in Spain for the last few years. Here, she divides her time between working on her tan, decorating her beautiful villa, writing hot Romance and Thrillers, and swimming naked.

According to one recent internet troll, she is 'Beyond Redemption'…

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©M’Renee Allen and © Shani Greene-Dowdell. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above-stated publisher. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without the publisher's permission is illegal and punishable by law. Purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.
