Page 11 of Dangerous as Sin

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She shifts in her chair. “That sounds like a neat trick to have.”

“It does, doesn’t it? So, why don’t you tell me what you’re really hiding.”

Imogen sits quietly for minutes. I can almost see her mind spinning. The stories she’s making up. I patiently wait for what she’s going to say next. “Fine. I’m a hacker.”

I blink. Of all the things she could have confessed, that certainly wasn’t in the top five. Probably not even the top ten. I also believe her. It makes sense, really. “A hacker.”

“What? You think I’m lying?”

“Actually, no, I don’t. I’m just a little surprised. Something that doesn’t happen often. Are you any good?”

Imogen straightens and tips her chin up a bit. “One of the best, as a matter of fact.”

A smile splits my face. “Now that doesn’t surprise me.”

Just then, her stomach growls. Of course, our lunch has long grown cold. I pick the box up I’d set in front of her and place it back in the bag. “It would appear you’ll have to sample McCarthy’s fish and chips another time. They’re shit warmed up. Come into the kitchen and I’ll make us something.”

“You really do know how to cook?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Follow me and find out.”

Grabbing the bag, I stand and head to the other room. Soft footsteps follow. I toss the food in the trash and open the refrigerator to grab a few things I’ll need. Imogen stands on the other side of the L-shaped counter. I set everything down and crook my finger at her. She narrows her eyes, but rounds it to stand barely within arm’s reach. Without giving her time to object, I wrap my hands around her waist and plunk her down on the countertop next to where I’m working.

“Seriously?” She makes to jump down.

I side-step in front of her, separating her legs as I do and move between them. Imogen’s eyes widen and she sucks in a breath. The sweet scent of her cunt rises up and I breathe it in. Let her deny her attraction. Her mouth says one thing, but her body says another. I’m not above taking advantage of that. I lean in until our chests brush and our lips are so close I could flick out my tongue and taste her. Neither of us move. Both of us waiting for what the other will do. Imogen remains frozen. Which means I’m the one who takes charge. It’s the way I like it anyway.

“Sit here and be good.” And just because, I nip her bottom lip.

I return to the food I’d set out. From the corner of my eye, Imogen’s tongue darts out and runs across the spot I marked with my teeth. Fuck if that tiny movement doesn’t make me hard. While I work on preparing our lunch she kicks her legs slightly and hums a little.

“How did you learn to cook, anyway? You don’t strike me as the type.”

“Why’s that?” I glance over at her. “Because I’m ridiculously wealthy and spoiled?”

“Pretty much. Also, that’s some ego you have.”

I finish cubing the chicken and toss it in the skillet with the rest of the ingredients I’d been letting simmer in oil. “When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time at O’Doyle’s. The owner, Seamus, brought me back to the kitchen and put me to work. He showed me how to make nearly everything on the menu. To my surprise, it was something I enjoyed. Everything else I’ve learned how to make has been self-taught. It relaxes me.”

Imogen makes a small choking sound. “If that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t ever leave the kitchen. You could do with a bit more relaxing.”

“I’ll take your suggestion into consideration.” I chuckle. “What about you? What relaxes you? I know a few things that would work wonders that I’d be happy to add to your list.”

“I bet you do,” she mumbles under her breath, but I can still make it out. “Being at my computer relaxes me, actually.”

I shoot a glance in her direction. “Your computer?”

“Yes. I love the challenge of trying to break past firewalls. The harder it is, the more fun I have. It makes me think, and then, when I finally hack into a system, I fully enjoy the feeling of success it brings me.”

The scent of garlic and ginger wafts around us. “What I’m hearing you say, then, is that being a criminal makes you relax.”

Imogen shrugs nonchalantly. “We all have our vices, I guess. Besides, I don’t do anything once I’m in. No nasty viruses or stealing information. Not usually, anyway.”

I can’t hold back my laughter. “The words of a criminal mastermind.”

Her neck turns red, but she doesn’t deny it. I take the skillet off the stove and nudge her to lean over so I can grab a couple plates out of the cabinet above her head. She studies me while I serve us both a helping. I turn with my hands full, and Imogen glances down.

“Damn, I’ll have to say I’m impressed. I hope it tastes as good as it looks.” She finally hops off the counter and heads back into the dining room.
