Page 137 of Dangerous as Sin

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Still seated, he placed his legs on the floor and leaned forward. His hand raked over his five-o'clock shadow. He was never pretending and was very close to telling her so. Doing so would mean he was ready to put his heart on the line. Even though he had constantly told himself he was prepared to make her his, he froze when the time came to reveal his true feelings.

“I’m not pretending,” he said.

“You are.”

“No, I’m not.”

“I don’t care what you say. I will never take you seriously again.”

“Will you ever forgive me?”

She gasped as if the very thought of forgiving him appalled her. “No. Never.”

He’d hurt her deeply, and it pained him to see that hurt resurface and settle on her gorgeous face. “I knew it was you,” he confided.

“You knew it was me that did what?”

“That night, when we made love…”

“You mean when you fucked me.”

“When we made love, I knew it was you.”

“I have tried to put that night behind me.” Her voice cracked. “Why are you doing this, Caleb?”

Because I love you. Because I have always loved you. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Because I knew you were the one for me the first time I laid eyes on you as a child. Because you were made for me.

Those thoughts ran through his mind, but he replied, “Because you deserve the truth.”

“And I’m supposed to think you’re telling the truth now?”

“I am. Trust me.”

“Trust you.” She laughed. “That’s funny. I trusted you once, and you treated me like trash the next day.”

“Tiera, please forgive me.”

The last time he’d asked her to “please, forgive him,” he’d been breaking her heart. And he was asking her to put her heart on the line again.

“This is too much. Let’s discuss having the guard here with me tonight, but without you. That’s the only concession I will make. Because you…you need to go back to your condo.”

He stood and walked over to her laptop. He picked it up and waved it around. “Is it because of Cole?”

She looked bewildered. “Who the fuck is Cole?”

“You’ve been writing him letters. Talking about how you want to scream his name as he stuffs your pussy with his cock. You know who Cole is! Is he who you want to be with? Is he the person I have to kill to get you back?”

“Wait. Oh…” She laughed. No, she didn’t simply laugh. She roared with laughter. She was laughing so hard she couldn’t catch her breath. When she did catch her breath, she said, “I’m dying here. Oh, shit, you think Cole is my boyfriend. I’m fucking dead.”

Her chuckles turned into a fit of rapid giggles. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she continued to laugh.

He wondered if the thought of Cole made her giddy with laughter. “This is not funny, Tiera. Who is he, and why are you writing him letters about him fucking you?”

“If this wasn’t so hilarious, I would fuck you up for browsing through my computer. Oh—” She grabbed her side and tried to stop another bout of laughter. “Hilarious!”

He groaned. “You’re done with him. I don’t want you to see him again.”

“First, you can’t tell me who to date. Second, Cole is a character in one of my novels.”
