Page 140 of Dangerous as Sin

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“I won’t ever stop. I’ll give you everything I have for an eternity,” he whispered close to her ear. A tear slipped down her dark brown cheek, and she whimpered. He licked the salty tear away. “You don’t ever have to cry again. I will be there for you from now on. I promise.”

Vibrations began in her legs. Quivers moved up his spine. They jerked as their orgasms began in tandem. She shuddered uncontrollably. His quaking was unstoppable. Her heat held onto his cock as he rammed into her, groaning and filling her with his cum.

This hadn’t been research. Their cries of passion were loud, virile, and meaningful. Together, they had made a statement. Their feelings were raw, passionate, and mutual.

When the trembling stopped, Caleb pulled her on top of him. He touched the sides of her face and guided her to him for a gentle kiss. He was ready to make her his. He was ready for the future he always knew they would have.

After their heated kiss, Tiera slid out of his grasp to the opposite side of the bed. She sat up with her back against the headboard, pulled her knees close to her body, and cupped them with her hands in a protective movement.

Sensing she was closing herself off, Caleb tried to loosen her up.

“I won the bet. You said our sex was better than your character’s sex.”

“You should know people will say anything when they’re having sex. Besides, this—” She pointed her finger between them. “I’m sorry if you felt something different, but this was just research for my writing.”

Sorry. She wasn’t sorry when she milked his cock minutes ago. He wasn’t stupid. He knew what was happening. “Don’t do this, Tiera.”

“Do what? We both knew what we were doing,” she relayed. “We will never have anything serious.”

His heart did a summersault. Everything had been in perfect alignment moments ago. Tiera was upending all of that and flipping shit on him. Worse, she looked like she truly regretted letting him have what he’d dreamed of for years. Her.

“Tiera, no. Don’t do this to us.”

“There is no us. Please, forgive me for not having better self-control. I thought you understood this was just for research.”

Please, forgive me. Words that will haunt me forever.

“Are you doing this to get me back for the past?”

“No. That was then, and this is now. Right now, I’d feel better if you left me alone.”

“I don’t want to do that. Can we just talk about it?”

“There’s nothing to talk about. Just go home, Caleb. Leave!”

This was new for Caleb. He slid off the bed, not believing he was being put out of a hotel after sex. He stuffed his legs into his underwear and put back on his pants. He buttoned up his shirt and slid on his jacket. Before they made love, it was easy for him to demand that he stay there for her safety. After they made love, he’d wanted her to want him there.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked.

Tiera had her head down into her hands to avoid eye contact. “Yes.”

“Then, I will leave. Dimir will remain as your security detail. He and his team will keep you safe. I’ll be ready to talk about us when you’re ready,” he said, doing everything possible not to let his voice sound shaky. But he was in his fucking feelings. And he felt like his feelings were fucked. If this were anyone other than Tiera, he would say fuck them feelings.

He stepped out into the hall and barked an order to Dimir. “Get a guard to meet me outside to drive me home.”



No. Nope. Hell no.

She’d played a dangerous game. When he posed the idea of researching whether he could perform better than her characters did sexually, it was a setup.

Unable to admit she'd fallen for him again, she shook her head vigorously. She ran her soft hands over the cotton sheets. She'd done what she said she would never do again. Gave in to the desire to be with Caleb. A desire that provided her with the best sexual experience of her life once again. Though she hated to admit it, Caleb had intimately written his name on every inch of her body years ago, and his imprint never faded.

Caleb Fitzgerald had infiltrated the walls she erected around her heart. He had come into her life, repossessed her thoughts, and made her subconsciously think about orgasms, forevers, and shit. She thought about these things often for her characters, but she wasn’t actively pursuing them for herself. The barrier she’d erected around her heart had weakened and fallen.

Then, he left.
