Page 15 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Who are you?” I eyeball him warily.

He steps farther into the room, but when I move back he stop and holds up his hands. “Sorry. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Declan, Liam’s cousin. I stopped by to see if he was here.”

“He left a couple hours ago.” I relax slightly at his identity, but still remain watchful. Despite the less hardened look of him, it doesn’t mean he’s not as dangerous.

“Figures. You don’t, by chance, happen to know where he is, do you?”

“A business meeting is all I know.” Does this guy really think Liam would tell me?

Declan studies me long enough to make me uncomfortable. Then a new tension radiates off him and his features harden to finally bring out his resemblance to his cousin. “You must be Imogen. Christ.”

“Excuse me?” I’m almost offended by his obvious irritation.

“I can’t believe him.” He shakes his head and it’s apparent he’s not talking to me. Finally he turns his gaze my way again. “Please tell me you’re here by choice.”

My heart skips a beat at his wary optimism, as though he really wants me to say yes. Will he help me if I tell him I’m not? Or is this a trick?

“Fuck. You’re not, are you?” Declan runs a hand through his hair and paces. “First Sheehan, and now this. Goddamn it, Liam.”

That flicker of hope flares and I step toward him. “Will you help me get out of here?” Please don’t let me be putting my trust into the wrong person.

He hesitates, and his expression already tells me he’s going to say no.

“Please.” I can’t remember the last time I’ve begged for something, but I’m begging him.

“Fuck. Liam is going to kill me.”

Hope flares again. “Thank you.”

“You better have somewhere you can go that’s safe. Because he knows where you live, and I have no doubt he’ll come for you.” There’s a heavy tone of warning in Declan’s words. “If for nothing else than for the fact that Liam doesn’t like to lose. And you disappearing from right under his nose is really going to piss him off.”

For a second, that bright flame dies, until an idea comes to me. It’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but it’s most likely going to be the only thing that keeps me safe. If he believes you. I glance at Liam’s cousin and nod.

“Yes, I have somewhere to go, but you’re going to have to take me there.”

Declan drops his head back between his shoulders and blows out a heavy sigh. He better make a decision before it’s too late. “Fine, let’s go.”

I wish I didn’t have to leave my shit here, but there’s nothing I can do about it. We head for the door, but he stops before opening it and turns to me. “I’ll distract Craig. Give me two minutes and then you can come out. Go straight to the silver Mercedes, get in the backseat, and lie down.”

With that, he steps outside while I count the time. My belly dips and twists with nerves. I’m wracked with fear that any second Liam is going to walk through the door. I almost want to tell Declan to forget it. Leave me here and I’ll continue to play Liam’s game. What I’m about to do may totally backfire. Then I’m completely fucked. I send a short pray up to my mum and ask for strength.

I take a deep breath and crack open the door. No one is standing at the entrance, so I risk a peek around the corner. Craig’s back is to me and he and Declan seem to be in some sort of argument. I take a quick glance in the other direction, but the coast is clear. Go. Now, Imogen. I run the short distance between the house and the only silver car, carefully open the back door, crawl inside, and as quietly as possible, close it behind me.

Lying on my side with my head behind the passenger’s seat and my knees bent, I try to slow my racing heart. The front door opens and I jump.

“It’s just me.” Declan starts the vehicle and within seconds drives away.

Still frozen with fear, I stay lying down. Maybe five minutes pass before he gives me the all clear. “You should be fine sitting up if you want. We’re far enough away.”

Slowly, I push myself upright and glance out the window behind me before facing forward. Declan’s eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror. “Where are we headed, then?”

I twist my lips with indecision. Can I really do this? You have to. It’s really my only option. “Carrick Donnelly’s estate.”

His head whips to the side as does the car.

“Fuck.” He quickly corrects, his fists gripping the steering wheel tightly. Once the risk of crashing has passed, Declan glances carefully back at me. “Are you shitting me right now?”

“No. You said to go someplace where I’m safe. That’s where I want to go.”
