Page 155 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Police Superintendent’s daughter,” another of the guys said.

That guy was familiar. In fact, she’d say they all were.

“Said your piece?” Daly asked from behind her.

So she hadn’t come up alone. The curtain in the corner moved and Curtain Guy appeared again, pausing when he noticed her.

“Problem, Ire?” Curtain Guy asked.

“No problem,” Ire replied.

One guy at the desk laughed. “Shit, Ire, is there a family you don’t control with sex in this town?” He slapped a hand on the desk to push himself to his feet. “If you’d told us you were boning the old man’s youngest, we’d have shaken hands the minute we walked in.”

Ire stood as the man offered his hand. The others at the table followed.

“Stakes stay the same,” Ire said, shaking one hand, then the next.

“Five percent,” another guy said, but her focus remained on the first.

“You’re Sylvester Babcock,” she said, pointing at him. Daly took her shoulders to ease her aside. “You work on the City Council with my grandfather.”

The men approached.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” Babcock said and winked as he passed.

Winking? Since when did her grandfather’s friends get so sleazy?

“Daly,” Ire said, and the hands left her shoulders.

When she glanced back, her guard was filtering out after the posse of city officials. Older men in cheap suits, she should’ve figured them out sooner.


Ire again.

“Aye?” Curtain Guy asked, also known as Niall apparently.

“Aye,” Ire replied.

What the hell was going on?

Niall clucked his tongue twice and the blondes disengaged to leap up and scurry to him. He took two capes from hooks by the door and handed them over as the women disappeared down the stairs.

“Aye?” Niall asked again, looking only at the boss sauntering around the desk.

“Aye,” Ire said once more.

Without another word, Niall went down the stairs, closing the door behind him.

They were alone. With all the coming and going, maybe she should’ve done the math sooner.

They were alone.


“What is that?” she asked, taking a single step. “What is aye?”

“Means yes.”
