Page 19 of Dangerous as Sin

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You fucked up, Angel. It’s unfortunate. For both of us.



“Nicky!” Angel’s calling out for her sister the second she saw Nicole waiting at the hall sounded like a cry for help rather than an emotionally charged plea of forgiveness or longing.

I folded my arms throughout their reunion I intended to be nothing but brief, watching their tears, listening to Angel’s sorrow and begging, mocking how fast Nicole believed her and offered her mercy. Nicole should have made Angel suffer for her betrayal before she even thought about granting her forgiveness. But it was all right. I’d make her suffer for all of us.

When you beg and cry for my mercy, Angel, I’ll take my time, fucking you for every mistake, watching you through the pain, savoring every tear, every scream, until your blood extinguish my flames.

My tongue darted to lick my lip as if I could taste it all, the sweet taste of revenge, and my cock stirred at the thought alone.

I suppressed a groan as Nicole’s eyes flickered at me, the dread in them clear. She wrapped a tight arm around Angel and Nicco, her chin up as always, yet I noticed the slight quiver in it despite her efforts to hide it. Nicole was a smart girl. She must have had an idea of what was to come. Was she only afraid for her sister or did she fear for her own safety, too?

Probably both. She knew she lied to me, too. She should have come to me for help once she found out about Leo. Instead, she’d planned on killing me.

What she didn’t know was that I didn’t blame her or hold a grudge. She was protecting her sister, as always, an act I’d always admired even when it got in my way. Another thing she didn’t know was that I was grateful and would forever be indebted to her for saving my son.

“Nicole,” I said, and her shoulders twitched. She shouldn’t be afraid of me. I’d never hurt her even when I’d said I would, even when she’d wanted me dead. She’d always been like a daughter to me. That would never change. “Take Nicco and go to the nursery. You both need to rest after your long flights.”

Angel swallowed audibly, and Nicole’s eyes widened as she held my wife and son tighter.

I glared at her. “Now, Nicole.”

She winced, looking back and forth between Angel and Nicco. Then she backed away a step, dragging Angel with her. “Okay. Let’s go, Lina. You need to rest, too.”

“I said only you can take Nicco and go to the nursery,” I warned.

Nicole froze in place as silent tears dropped down Angel’s face. Nicole beseeched me with her proud eyes. “I-I think Nick is hungry, and after that long flight, he’ll get cranky without his mo—”

“She already fed him before we landed, and he has you to keep him company if he misses his mother too much. It’ll be a good practice for him.”

Nicole clenched her teeth. “Practice for what?”

For getting used to missing his mamma. She won’t be available for a while. I didn’t have to say it, though. She knew. They both did.

Angel paled, but she didn’t utter a word to me. Not since I’d ordered her to shut the fuck up. Was she trying to show me she’d be a good girl from now on? I resisted a snort.

“Can I talk to you?” Nicole urged.

Running out of patience, I stalked toward them and took Nicco myself and handed him to Nicole. “I’ll come over in a bit.” Then I grabbed Angel’s arm and marched down the hall.

Nicole’s feet hurried after us, and so did my bodyguards’. “No! I need to talk to my sister. Please! Tino!”

Angel nodded nervously as she glanced over her shoulder. “It’s okay, Nicky. Just take care of Nicco for me.”

“No! Tino!” Nicole shouted, and I spun and gestured for my men, who were already holding and blocking her, not to touch her.

I looked her straight in the eye. “You’ll see her again when the time is right.”

“You promise?” The cold fear lacing her tone troubled me. I never wanted my daughter to be that afraid of me. And after everything Nicole had been through, I didn’t want her or her unborn baby to live in fear anymore.

“Stress isn’t good for a pregnant woman like you. You must take care of yourself and your baby.” I patted her shoulder and granted her a small smile. “So rest, Nicole. You have my word.”

I always kept my promises. Even if Angel never earned my mercy, I owed it to Nicole to see her sister one last time.

