Page 2 of Dangerous as Sin

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James shakes his head. “Sorry. I’ve tried making conversation once or twice, but he’s the strong, silent type. I gave up.”

I blow out a harsh breath. “Thanks, anyway.”

Hadn’t I just said I’m in a rut?

I have some digging to do. Sitting in front of my computer, I start typing away. I pull up the security feed from the camera mounted outside the window of my workroom and start going through it.

There you are.

My mystery man gets out of the backseat of a fancy black town car. I zoom in and get a good view of the registration. The feed still plays after I’ve memorized the number. I reverse it to try and capture anything else, but there’s nothing. The windows are tinted so dark I can’t even tell who the driver is. Having gotten what I needed, though, I run some more code while I wait. I finish off my scone and grimace at the tea gone cold.

Finally, there’s a soft beep and I key in the plate number and run the search. Within seconds, I get a hit.

Fuck me.

I open a new tab and run another search just to be sure. This one gives me the same result just as fast. I stare at the man in the photo, whose angry gaze stares right back at me. It’s no less effective than in person. As though he can see straight into my soul.

Liam Campbell. Aged thirty-seven. Stepson of Dónal Sheehan—not only the head of the second-most powerful family in Dublin, but also the bitter enemy of Carrick Donnelly, head of the Irish mafia.

Fuck me, twice.



My cock is still semi-hard from my encounter with Imogen. The way she glared at me and her obvious irritation shouldn’t arouse me, but it does. It’s a refreshing change from the women who would suck me off just for a fraction of my attention. They all bore me. Every single one of them, with their tear-streaked faces and my come still drying on their lips as they realize I have no intention of giving them anything except that. They aren’t worth more of my time than a quick fuck or suck before I send them away.

The driver comes to a stop in front of my office building and opens the door for me to step out. I button my suit jacket and tug down my sleeves. The cold Dublin air dances across the back of my neck, but I ignore the chill as I glance around briefly before climbing the three steps and entering through the front. It’s too early for my assistant to be in so the waiting area is empty and dark.

I cross the sharply polished hardwood floor and head toward my office. Everything around me is kept clean and shiny. I make sure of it. I like to surround myself with luxury and only the best of things. I want business associates to envy what I have. The door to my office is cracked and the overhead light turned on. I pause before pushing it open the rest of the way.

“Don’t you have your own bed to sleep in?” I put away the gun I’d drawn and glare at my cousin.

Declan doesn’t move from his sprawled position on the chaise except to open one eye and then close it again. “But then I wouldn’t see your smiling face. Besides, I’d been hoping to catch a glimpse of Ashlynn.”

Normally I’d let him attempt to seduce any of my assistants he wanted, but she’s the first one I’ve had that I can at least tolerate and who hasn’t quit within a week. “Leave her alone or I will actually shoot you.”

He heaves a sigh and finally sits up. It’s not an empty threat and he knows it. “Didn’t you just go stalk your little obsession? You should be in a much better mood than you are.”

“You’re lucky you’re my cousin.” I round my desk and take a seat. The scent of new leather swirls around me. “Was there something you needed besides wanting to annoy me?”

Declan wipes away his amusement. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasps his hands in front of them. “I wasn’t sure if you had heard yet that your dear old step-Da went to Anamacha Caillte last night.”

“Of course he did.” I shake my head in disgust but also in annoyance that I hadn’t been informed. “How much did he lose this time?”

My cousin shifts in his seat. “All of it.”

“Fucking bastard.”

“There’s more.” Declan clears his throat. “He couldn’t meet the bet with cash, so he wagered Nessa’s virginity to make up the difference. His opponent took the deal and won.”

“Who was it?”

He doesn’t answer.

“Declan.” It’s a warning.

“Cian Donnelly.”
