Page 25 of Dangerous as Sin

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“What are you gonna do, Tino?”

“For starters, I won’t kill Domenico. The thorn in his heel will stay but as a mark of shame he won’t be able to hide, and then everything around him will crumble down. After all, that power he did everything to protect won’t mean anything if the Lanzas’ name is destroyed.”

She shook her head. “I won’t bother asking how you’d do that, and honestly, I don’t care, as long as you don’t kill Dom. Unfortunately, you gave Leo the liberty to do as he pleases with Dom, and—”

“Leo won’t kill him either. I know my son. He’s far more like me than he likes to believe. Death is too quick, a relief traitors don’t deserve.”

“I don’t know if I should be relieved or more worried now.”

“Talk to Leo, Nicole. He cares about you. He’ll listen to you.”

She rose and walked to the door. “I’ll let you know when we’re ready to visit Dom.”

I nodded once. “And Nicole...”

She stopped in her tracks. “Yes?”

“Thank you for saving my son.”

“Don’t thank me. Both of us were planning on killing you.”

I smirked. “But you didn’t.”



There was something about Angel tonight. Something different yet so familiar. It reminded me of that night we first bonded over blood. No, not the first time I fucked her while she was on her period. It was the night I killed her father.

That innocent, twelve-year-old girl sat next to her sister wrapped in a blanket while the police offered their condolences and tried to assure them they were going to be all right. Except Angel didn’t bother to listen to their words. All she was doing was looking through the woods. Looking for me.

I’d never forget her face that night. She wasn’t fazed by the murder. Her eyes were sparkling with a gleam only a man like me recognized and knew like the back of his hand. That night, I found out, behind those innocent eyes, there was something else, something hidden in the dark that only I could see.

Our bond.

Right at that moment, I knew I had to protect that girl every step of the way. From evil. From pain. From the darkness. From me. But above all, from herself.

Her face tonight reminded me of that darkness I thought I’d contained in her, but the second Arancia went through that door with the dinner tray, I knew Angel was up to no good.

In a flash, Angel smashed the tray and its contents on the floor and grabbed the plastic knife and broke it in half. Then she held the sharp edge to her wrist when Arancia tried to stop her.

“If you come near me, I’ll slit my wrists. It’s sharp enough to cut through my skin,” Angel threatened, and Arancia halted in place.

“In fact,” Angel spoke to the ceiling, “if you don’t come down here right now, I’m gonna do it anyway.”

Slowly, I let out a breath and then a laugh. “You think you can force my hand, Angel? You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.” I shut down the feed and went to her wing.

When I burst open the door, Angel’s chest heaved, and tears sprung to her eyes. Her lips quivered for a moment, but then I could swear there was a tiny smirk of triumph on them as she stuck her chin up and kept the broken knife closer to her veins.

“She’s still a handful, Don Bellomo. Some things don’t change,” Arancia said.

I nodded for her to leave. She obeyed without hesitation. As her heels echoed outside, I slammed the door shut. Angel’s breaths accelerated, audible in the room. I closed the distance between us in two strides. Then I knocked the stupid plastic thing out of her hand with a slap, and I twisted her arm behind her back while I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pressed her face against the wall.

“If there is a God, then I’m yours. You will live when I say you live. You will die when I say you die. Your soul doesn’t belong to you anymore, Angel. It’s mine, like everything you are.”

“Yes, Tino. I’m yours. Always.” Her body trembled against mine, and her scent—cazzo—along with the heat of her body against my skin made me feral. I fucking hated how much every fiber of my body ached from missing her.

I ripped off her flimsy nightgown, and she gasped. When I forced her on her knees, she gasped louder and looked up at me, in anticipation rather than fear. Then her eyes and little hands settled on my belt.
